Is there a flight plan available for Amelia Earhart's last flight ? If so where can it be found ?
And if not, could or would someone make me one for me. I would appreciate it so vert much. Am sure other
simmers would like to do this historic flight as well.
And I would like to ask the scenery guys, if the would make me a scenery of my small town airport ? I can supply aerial
and ground photos {of the tower, hangers}. MS has it, as usual it is NOT even close to being accurate. The airport in
question is ….. Jimmy Stewart in Indiana, Pa. They do a lot of air shows and fly in's, would be great to have a good
accurate one. This my home base for flying out of. If some one can do this, I would be more that glad to pay for it, if
need be !
And if not, could or would someone make me one for me. I would appreciate it so vert much. Am sure other
simmers would like to do this historic flight as well.
And I would like to ask the scenery guys, if the would make me a scenery of my small town airport ? I can supply aerial
and ground photos {of the tower, hangers}. MS has it, as usual it is NOT even close to being accurate. The airport in
question is ….. Jimmy Stewart in Indiana, Pa. They do a lot of air shows and fly in's, would be great to have a good
accurate one. This my home base for flying out of. If some one can do this, I would be more that glad to pay for it, if
need be !