Amelia Earhart


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Is there a flight plan available for Amelia Earhart's last flight ? If so where can it be found ?

And if not, could or would someone make me one for me. I would appreciate it so vert much. Am sure other
simmers would like to do this historic flight as well.

And I would like to ask the scenery guys, if the would make me a scenery of my small town airport ? I can supply aerial
and ground photos {of the tower, hangers}. MS has it, as usual it is NOT even close to being accurate. The airport in
question is ….. Jimmy Stewart in Indiana, Pa. They do a lot of air shows and fly in's, would be great to have a good
accurate one. This my home base for flying out of. If some one can do this, I would be more that glad to pay for it, if
need be !

The wikipedia article on Amelia Earhart has quite a detailed chapter on her last flight.

There would not have been a 'flightplan' as such, as the flight itself was a record attempt that didn't use existing routes - much of her flight would have involved celestial navigation. Not to mention that in 1937, commercial and even military aviation in the Pacific was still in its infancy, with few aircraft types capable of flying the long distances involved. There also wouldn't have been a network of cooperating centers as there is now - in 1937 that particular part of the Pacific was divided between the US, Australians, Dutch, British and Japanese, with little or no real cooperation in terms of aviation - especially in the latter case!

An additional complication is that both the departure and destination airports for that particular flight do not exist in default Flight Simulators.

The original Lae Airfield, the departure airfield as used by Earhart for her record attempt, was closed in the 1980s and as such does not exist in any default simulator. Her intended destination, Howland Island, has been more or less abandoned since 1944 and thus has even less of a presence in FS9/FSX - the island simply doesn't exist in the default sim!

If you have FSX, however, an addon (and update) exist for Amelia Earhart's last flight, that adds both Lae Airfield and Howland Island:
Thanks for the reply ! I understand what you are saying as to how the folks back then navagatiated, dogon shame we can not do her flight.
Yes, I have FSX and will check into the latter, Thank you for the info for FSX.


Update ;

Tried your links, unfortunately …. this is what I got. ….
No Search Results.

Thanks anyway tho.
Sorry for being late in answering ! Thanks for the replies guys, will check out your suggestions,
