An Elusive Myasishchev!


Charter Member
I've been on the prowl for Dimitri Samborski's fs2002 M-4 Bison... Which is surprisingly compatible with fs2004, but I can't seem to find it.

It's not on Avsim, Flightsim, Avsimrus, Simviation (still looking) nor on various other websites.

Can someone help me find it?
or if someone has it, send me a PM and i'll tell that someone my e-mail address (NO, I will not say in the public forums!).

Nick (BoeingvsAirbusNKL)
Hi there,

Not by Samborski and not FS2002, but a genuine FS2004 Bison. (see

- Скриншот 1
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- Скриншот 3
Myasishchev 3MS-1 'Bison-B' for FS2004

One of the Soviet Unions' most underestimated aircraft, the Myasishchev bomber
usually known as the M-4 'Bison' or 'Molot' has probably been at least as
important to the development of the Long-Range Aviation (DA) and the AVMF
(Soviet Naval Aviation) as the better known Tupolev Tu-95 Bear'.With the
expansion of the Soviet Navy in the 50's and 60's, many Bison-B's were
transferred to the AVMF to serve as long range reconaissance aircraft.The
Bison-B' was one of the first Soviet types to carry a flight-re-fuelling
probe, a number of the 'Bison-As' being converted to tanker configuration.
→ Имя файла:
→ Размер: 6 089kb
→ Дата: 7 лет назад (05.03.2006 15:46 MSK)
→ Автор: Brett Hoskins

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IIRC Samdim's Bison was part of the TU 126 package download, not released on its own.
It was used as an ai/scenery tanker , with set rendezvous times,positions and headings.
Darned hard to find!


The listing is still on the Samdim website. Click the next-to-last pic on the left (tooltip pops up and says Other freeware aircraft), then click Other in the dropdown menu. The Miyasishchev is listed there with an Avsim link, but it's a pre-hack link pointing to a file that AvSim never recovered.
Well, I have a question... Does anyone have the original zip file?

I am willing PM my email address to whoever has that along with the fs2002 TU-95 Bear that was featured in the PreHack links of avsim.

Zip name: tu-95_bear_102610. don't know about the fs2002 M-4 Bison zip name.

These are the planes I am thinking.
Hi BoeingvsAirbusNKL,

I have the TU-95 Bear for FS 2002. © Samdim , May 2002. Ver.0.2
Send me a PM.

Dave, thanks for the model, but i have that model and it doesn't suit my need.

I might have to contact Dimitri samborski by any means to ask if he still has the aforementioned addons.