An Email from Warbirdsim :(


Charter Member
Hi All,
I recently wrote Warbirdsim asking them if they were going to do a version of the P-51D model for us in Fs2004 land. The response from Richard in "Support" said that He still uses fs2004 and loves it, but the sales of the B/C model in FSX was 5 times that of 2004, and they feel there just isnt the "Interest" over here to constitute the Re-Model.
That's a real downer since I believe the B/C model is fantastic; After seeing screenshots of the D model in FSX, It makes me consider updating and going over to the "Darkside"!!!
I can understand the move not to do an FS9 version of the P-51D. Time is money, and it takes a considerable amount of time to create even a basic sim model...let alone one with the level of detail and animation that the Warbirdsim Mustang has. If FS9 sales are not enough to justify the man hours needed to create a FS9 version, then that is just plane basic business. You don't spend man hours in a project that is not going to generate sufficient revenue. That is true across all types of business...not just payware aircraft. Pet stores don't carry brands of dog food that don't sale, food stores don't carry food items that don't fly off the shelves. Payware aircraft companies are not going to invest hundreds of hours developing FS9 planes when the bulk of simmers have moved on to FSX and are spending their money for that sim.

Let's face it....the vast majority of developers have moved on to FSX because that is where the money is. Those of us who are sticking with FS9 just have to come to grips with reality....we won't be seeing the numbers of new products the way we did before FSX came out.

When X-Plane 10 arrive´s, this was changeover day for me. I use X-Plane 9 too and I think X-Plane has more capability then FSX or higher.
While there may not be a lot going on in the FS9 world from payware developers, there are still those few that don't want to make the move completely and we're fortunate for that. I think world situations play into the picture more than time as we see everything has changed or is heading that direction. Flight sim in general is slowing as a whole.
...Something we can't forget are the developers who still do modeling, scenery, repaints, mods and tweaks that are here. There are still a lot of them out there, just not up to individual likings as much. Also, keep the people who do continue to support our FS9 hobby interested. If we don't support them, they won't support us. We have some very talented individuals who still continue to amaze us quite frequently at any rate. Yes, I admit they are freeware developers that are in it because they enjoy FS9 more than the other, but they'll be a time when those are no longer around. In my eyes there's still plenty of enjoyment available in ACOF. It's in our personal directions as to what we the simmer enjoy. Sometimes I think we all need to step back once in a while, look at it in a different perspective and even a different approach to greater the experiences desired. I myself get bored with it. No matter what I
It makes business sense really and I can understand the reasoning behind the decision to stick with FSX only based on the sales numbers.
Also it does take considerable time to re engineer the existing FSX model to FS2004 standards.
So I'm not surprised at their decision to not do it for FS2004, which is a bit of a shame really as it leaves us behind and we've got no choice but to make the step up to FSX, not only that but also upgrading our PCs to cope with FSX!

Edit: There's still a lot of people flying in there is definitely interest in FS2004 and it will be around for a long time to come.
I have a number of nice freeware P-51Ds to choose from, so not having a new payware P-51D to choose from is not a big issue for me. Mayhaps the models I have and use don't have clickable flickable toggles in the cockpit...not a big deal since I wouldn't use them anyhow. I know there a guys who love buying the most advanced payware items with all the latest bells and whistles who will regret not having a new payware Mustang, but I for one will not allow this to keep me from enjoying FS9 to the fullest, nor do I now feel the need to build a super computer so I can run FSX so I can have a new payware Mustang.

for a free P-51D i use warwick carters 'stang, theres a fair few photoreal paints out there (But i don't touch them with a bargepole, my old it's not a real backdrop therefore plane doesn't have to be photoperfect)... image i found of warwicks + photoreal paint... still i'll dive back in my hangar and work on the viperjet, only started it 5mins ago lol

To me this email drove home the fact that we need to show our appreciation to the developers of fs9 related items. If we want to keep FS9 around, we've gotta give them a reason to keep pumpin out the goods :)
well i know Lionheart has his WT-9 FS9 able... but yeah, we have to admire and support the developers who consider this more mature sim (Note i said sim and not game, which is how FSX feels at times), i like you wish more devs did it, maybe now that unlimited export is sorted we may see FSX level of detail models for FS9... we can but hope.... :wiggle:
I know there a guys who love buying the most advanced payware items with all the latest bells and whistles who will regret not having a new payware Mustang,

I would imagine that 99% of those people also are the same with their computers, etc. so probably have the most up-to-date rigs and such, so FSX is probably their sim of choice anyways.

I have one of the warbird P51's and it is great, but I also still enjoy my FDG2 and SU 'stangs along with the great freeware ones. They are almost like spits and hurri's, ie, you can never have enough.

(Note i said sim and not game, which is how FSX feels at times)

It is only a "game" if you treat it as one. It is exactly the same as FS9. Exactly.

I can't comprehend that you guys think FS9 is more of a "simulator" than FSX. It makes absolutely no sense. I can think of only one reason for your disdain...

I really hope the transition to "Flight" is cleaner. I don't think the community would survive the same ordeal again.
I can think of only one reason for your disdain...
Like FSX users forcing opinions on FS9 users for not caving to the "inevitable". We like what we like. You like what you like. Leave us be, we're not doing you any harm, you've got your own section for FSX opinions.
I really hope the transition to "Flight" is cleaner. I don't think the community would survive the same ordeal again.

Without starting yet another bashing-fest (we need one of those like a chilli in the vaseline jar), I think you may be over-dramatising somewhat. I've seen the tit-for-tat banter/pokes/jests/arguments/jibes/etc. with each new iteration of FS released, including the CFS franchises. We have survived all of them with relatively few scars.

My own experience of FSX is that some of the missions are quite 'gamey' ,ie. dropping bags of flour from an ultralight onto a dartboard style target. Other than that, dunno, I don't fly it that much, I simply just prefer FS9.

I like the term "Mature Sim" -- FS9. And if you are looking for a superb payware P-51D, consider the A2A variant for FS9. It's a real beauty and frame rate friendly too.

FS9 will be around for a long time on my 'puters... I have FSX on one PC, just because I wanted to fly Piglet's FSX Skyraider. I have over 300 planes for FS9, plus scenery and tweaks. I have put alot of work into my FS9 installs and I'll be darned if I'm gonna give em' up!
