I installed an antivirus program (Panda antivirus) and it turned up a couple of trojans hiding in my system volume information on my main hard drive, so I decided to run several other antivirus progs, as they each find differedt stuff. I downloaded and ran the free versions of AVG, Avast, and Avira as I had previously used them at work. They each found several suspect files, which I quarantined. Then, being an eager beaver, I downloaded Ultrdefrag and optimized my hard drives. Now none of my CFS3 installs (except for my Firepower install) will run. I deleted ETO, MAW, PTO Solomons, and PTO Rising Sun, my bare bones CFS3 version 3.1 installations and their associated MultiFS folders in My documents and my application data folders and tried to reinstall it all. I have been unsuccessful so far in getting anything to run. Any ideas on how to unscrew the pooch?