An idiots tale twice told


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I installed an antivirus program (Panda antivirus) and it turned up a couple of trojans hiding in my system volume information on my main hard drive, so I decided to run several other antivirus progs, as they each find differedt stuff. I downloaded and ran the free versions of AVG, Avast, and Avira as I had previously used them at work. They each found several suspect files, which I quarantined. Then, being an eager beaver, I downloaded Ultrdefrag and optimized my hard drives. Now none of my CFS3 installs (except for my Firepower install) will run. I deleted ETO, MAW, PTO Solomons, and PTO Rising Sun, my bare bones CFS3 version 3.1 installations and their associated MultiFS folders in My documents and my application data folders and tried to reinstall it all. I have been unsuccessful so far in getting anything to run. Any ideas on how to unscrew the pooch?:banghead:
I would have picked a problem with the Application Data info but you have cleared that out. Can you search for registry entries?

IIRC you can select cfs3.exe as an exception to run under AVG Antivirus and perhaps it is worth specificually excepting the exe under any other antivirus programs that you are running. You may be running too many antivirus programs now?

When you say nothing will run, does stock 3.1 install, or look like it has installed properly? If so, try running multicfs3 in the stock install to see what the installation calls itself. Multicfs3 I think comes standard in one or two of the addons and the exe copies over easily to any install.

What is your version of Windows?
I would have picked a problem with the Application Data info but you have cleared that out. Can you search for registry entries?

IIRC you can select cfs3.exe as an exception to run under AVG Antivirus and perhaps it is worth specificually excepting the exe under any other antivirus programs that you are running. You may be running too many antivirus programs now?

I am only running AVG currently. The others I downloaded, ran and deleted.

When you say nothing will run, does stock 3.1 install, or look like it has installed properly? If so, try running multicfs3 in the stock install to see what the installation calls itself. Multicfs3 I think comes standard in one or two of the addons and the exe copies over easily to any install.
The stock 3.1a runs ok.

What is your version of Windows?
I am running XP Pro 32 bit. It works for me, even if it is ancient. (so am I)
Now none of my CFS3 installs (except for my Firepower install) will run. I have been unsuccessful so far in getting anything to run. Any ideas on how to unscrew the pooch?:banghead:

Have you run multicfs3 to see if the installs are correctly set up, with App Data folders etc? Then check the desktop shortcuts to make sure they are properly addressed to the right install.

Hope you get it sorted
I had a problem like this years ago because AVG read one of the CFS3 files as a threat.I don't remember the name of the file but it was the one to get access the CD so the game would run.
I had a problem like this years ago because AVG read one of the CFS3 files as a threat.I don't remember the name of the file but it was the one to get access the CD so the game would run.

The way to test that would be to temporarily disable AVG. But because Firepower seems to run, seems to undermine this option but give it a shot?
Thanks for the help

I have got MAW, ETO, and PTO RS running, and I assume the rest will follow suit. Thanks for the help. AVG does appear to be the culprit, so I will disable it when I want to go flying.:untroubled:
I have got MAW, ETO, and PTO RS running, and I assume the rest will follow suit. Thanks for the help. AVG does appear to be the culprit, so I will disable it when I want to go flying.:untroubled:

You don't have to disable AVG if you create an exception for cfs3.exe. Options - advanced settings - exceptions. While there I'd add the config as an exception too. Also maybe the error reporting (is it DW.exe?).
