an irritating issue

ian elliot

Just about done with my latest, but ive hit a very irritating snagg. The Ai im using is hovering about few inches in the air. The aircraft is a CFS2
Team Daedalus/Akemi FW190. Ive checked the scenery and everything is good, no flat area or poly issue's, and ive used different ac in the traffic file and they also sit on the ground as they should. so its defiantly an issue with the Akemi 190, ive try'd his original model and that hover's also.
I really like to use this model as its the right unit and aircraft for the
scenery, and to be fair, you dont really notice unless you look real hard, so i could release it as is, but it would bug me, any ideas gents



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Maybe the contact points in the aircraft.cfg need to be altered?
What If you use the plane as flyable aircraft, does it also hover?
Ive actually solved it, ive used a different TD aircraft and that seems to work, i got my units mixed up, mistook JG11 with JB (jabo). im wondering if in CFS2 world, the model would be loaded with a bomb, and when its transfer d to FS9 the loss of weight makes it hover a little. DP's dont work in 9 obviously but theres probably a value in the CFG somewhere that need changing, although its all a bit of a grey area to me

Lots of Akemis aircraft models do this in cfs2 as well, if placed as infrastructure in Missions.

I tracked it down to airfile record 105 : Fuselage. The entry for c of g height needs recalculating & adjusting. Sometimes the angle needs changing too, otherwise you have things sitting "tail high/low" ...

Maybe it's the same for FS9, the Sims reading the values in this airfile record?

Hope this helps...:running: