And now for something completely different.


Charter Member
For some light relief.....
Did you hear about the dyslexic,agnostic,insomniac?
He used to lie in bed at night,wondering if there's a dog.
Very funny! About a hundred years ago Ambrose Bierce, in The Devil's Dictionary, defined 'reverence' as the spiritual attitude of a dog to a man and a man to a god.
Careful you don't offend some of the dyslexics, agnostics or insomniacs among us.........on second thoughts, you may have even offended my dog.

Wow- great golden retriever! I just lost my second one so we're looking for a new best friend.
Suicidal Boow wow

I HAD a dog that looked just like that one, used to eat her own turds, cost a few bucks to break that habit. Then she took to digging under the back fence, to make her escape. Sooo I sunk the fencing material too 9 inches below the surface, that worked for awhile, then she jumped over the fence, and got hit by a bus
Yeah...thanks for sharing that one Gimpy. Most uplifting indeed.

Sorry to hear about your loss, Duck.


My friend had a Golden Retriever a while ago. Great looking dogs. The dog got a little scared of my friends dad sometimes. So he would just look at the dog and go "HEY" and the dog would actually squint her eyes and growl just like in the picture above. Ahhh dogs are fun to tease. My black lab gets alot of it.

Thanks Parky. Gimpy is not bad, he's just a little clueless sometimes. However, his postings about the workings of CFS3 are very valuable and in my old age (yes I'm older than Gimpy) I've come to realize that you have two choices in life- you can obsess about what you don't like in each person you meet, or you can enjoy what you do like. Life's too short for the former and the latter is what makes it a shame that it's too short.
Rooster- if I'm not mistaken, that golden is in a nice warm garden and not much is happening around him. I recognize that 'switched off' expression.
Also he types with the single finger, hunt and peck method, when I started my little tale of woe, Duck's post didn't exist, or I might've kept my big mouth a little less open.

I suppose I could've eliminated the bus part, but that's the way it happened. 3 months after her untimely demise, I picked up a chocolate Lab. To say she was none too smart, was an understatement. At a family getogether my cousin said: 'his Black Lab would eat a Brick if you put gravy on it.

Well everybody had a few Beers, which led to a can of Giblet Gravy on a Brick. Good thing I was close enough to pull her back, or she would've broke a tooth :kilroy: