
I need something new in the Aircraft folder like I need another hole in my head.
But, watching some YouTube vids about the B-58 Hustler got me itching to see what was available.
Ideally, I wanted to find out what happened to the Alpha/Virtavia version for FS9.
What I found was:

simMarket: B-58 HUSTLER FS2004
Models and Textures nbsp 5 models and 6 texture sets in version 1 0 plus even more available in version 1 1 a free upgrade B-58A Super Sue 6592nd TS Edwards AFB B-58A 305th BW 2nd AF B-58A 305th BW 2nd AF Bunker Hill AFB - TCP TB-58A 305th BW...
Which is, essentially, the old Alphasim Hustler for FS9 and its still available for $16 bucks plus some change.

What you get is fairly complete for the Hustler's history.
Models include the basic B-58A (pod only, pod plus external B-61 nukes, pod plus conventional iron bombs), the TB-58, and the prototypes.
You also get an animated drag chute (spoiler key when the gear are down), Pod jettison animation from the VC, and the typical Alpha quality FD.
Its a handful but it flies "about right".
There's very little to gripe about. Frank did some dandy (stock) texture sets and there are additional texture versions at the usual sites.
The sound folder is pretty good but I want to add the "Upset Betty" alarm sounds (I think the Hustler was the first Air Force bomber to use recorded voice alarms).
The only thing that's really missing is a voice mod for the "atc_model=" line. Either "Bee 5 8" or "Hustler". I'll play around with it.
The afterburner effects also need an update, but this shouldn't be too hard.
Scenery for Carswell or Bunker Hill/ Grissom AFB is also available for FS9.
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