AnKor's D3D9 mod.


Charter Member
I have made an interesting experiment gentlemen. I have been using and installed Ankors Mod at overflandersfields and it is brilliant in WOFF as you really do see the sun refelction shine on the skin canvassing
and shadowing over the cockpits as you are turning into the sun.

I thought I would try this on Combat Flight Simulator 3 and it does work to a point but you do need the JSGME installer to install the mod. The only problem is that it does affect the silver aircraft as it turns them into a ghostly image but on camouflage aircraft you wil not get this, any thoughts on this fellas Gary
I've got the fix, but I've been traveling and not where I have my notes. Hopefully I'll get home long enough to write it up soon.
Oops, I thought you meant the stability issues. Yep, as far as I know that's the only way to deal with reflections at present.
Note from AnKor
Upcoming fixes are:- Alt-Tab function restored.
- White line caused by TAC is fixed (this was actually a serious bug, which might even lead to crashes).
- Shadow quality improved, but I need to work more on it - that's why I'm not releasing the new version yet.
- Some tweaks for bump-mapping and reflections.

Bad news is that there are some problems with "preprocessing" mode for cockpits which was introduced in the previous version, and I'm going to remove it (or maybe just turn off by default) until I have more time to rework it.

I've found the reason why reflective planes in CFS3 look so weird, but it will take me some time to properly fix it. Perhaps as a temporary solution I will try to turn this layer off in my code, so it will at least not mess with look of USA planes (not sure if this change will make it into the next version).
