Ankors Shader sun glare


Charter Member
Hi everybody,
I wonder if anyone could help me, I have just installed Ankors Shaders but don't seem to be getting the sun glare effect on the aircraft's body work as I had done.
I may be missing something it work's on the cockpit but I am not getting that nice sheen effecvt on the aircraft themselves could anyone advise.
This can be a bit of a complicated issue to address. Every aircraft model is not created equal, and there are a number of things that control the specular reflections. Has this ever worked for you in the past? Is this true for every aircraft, or only some?
In the past it has worked for all the aircraft, the cockpits seem to show the sheen but the aircraft bodywork do not. I don't recall doing any editing as the sheen was automatic.

This can be a bit of a complicated issue to address. Every aircraft model is not created equal, and there are a number of things that control the specular reflections. Has this ever worked for you in the past? Is this true for every aircraft, or only some?
I recently noticed an airplane that was overly shiny and seemed immune to the hex editing that I normally use to tone this down. After a good deal of trial and error I rediscovered that AnKor has built in a fix for aircraft that do not have a * or * file included in the m3d texture references. Adding a 33% gray * file to the texture folder worked to correct the problem.

Is it happening only to aircraft that do not have a * or * file?
No need to edit the m3d. The whole idea is that his shader looks for the special named file and uses that to apply the specular shine pattern for models that don't already have it specifically defined through the extra texture files.