AnKors Shaders


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Now I am back into CFS3 I am looking to download Ankors Shaders.

Which do I download first as there are updates etc as I want to make sure everything is in the correct order?

Just grab 'AnKors Shaders Update 4 December 2019' from the CFS3 effects section of the downloads library here. It's self-contained ie no need for any earlier version.

I tend to unzip these things into the MODS folder that Jonesoft Generic Mod Enabler (JSGME) creates on installation, check the folder structure in there is right, then use JSGME to enable it. Easier backed out if anything goes wrong, not that this is likely with this mod. Dunno if you use JSGME but for me, it's a must-have for many sims.

Once installed/enabled one thing I would definitely recommend is to change the field of view setting to something like 30 (I'm using 25), to eliminate the fisheye lens external view and provide a more natural perspective, in the external view. Easily done by using Wordpad or Notepad to edit ExternalFoV= in the config file d3d8 that Ankor's mod adds to your main CFS3 folder. I also like mouseview and head bobbing to be enabled. Glossiness is another setting worth playing with, depending on how shiny or matt you like your aircraft.

Good hunting!

Keep in mind that AnKor's Shaders create a whole universe of new functionality.

Once you install the basic package you can either be done, or just beginning to upgrade your experience.

I install it, and any related customizations, using JSGME to protect my basic install from"accidents".

There are a number of other AnKor's Shader related tid-bits in the Knowledge base as well.

Use the most recent version found here:

Reading both the basic user install notes, and the developer info will give you an idea of how far you can go with modifying CFS3.

After that you'll probably want to look into upgrading the cockpit experience with dynamic reticles and lights here:
While we're on the topic, I've tried installing Ankor's Shaders and have failed everytime. I do have WOTR installed and I believe that uses the same shaders. Am I correct in that assumption?
While we're on the topic, I've tried installing Ankor's Shaders and have failed everytime. I do have WOTR installed and I believe that uses the same shaders. Am I correct in that assumption?

Very similar but not identical. If the latest mod hosted here (Dec '19) doesn't work, not sure copying over the equivalent files from WotR would do any better. Never had any probs getting any version of Ankor's shaders to work, with OFF, WoFF (before they were integrated) stock CFS3 or CFS3 ETO (Vista, 7 or 10, various Nvidia cards). Not sure why they wouldn't work, if installed per the readme, with the files in the right place. Double check that is all I can think of. There was a long SimHQ thread in the WoFF forum, thread now gone IIRC, about the shaders when first released and I don't recall problems. What goes wrong - what are the symptoms? Somebody here may have had the same problem and fixed it.

Edit - this post from MajorMagee might help:
Actually, I haven't tried the 12/19 version yet. Guess it's time to give it a shot. I still have my ETO Era Swapper screwed up, so I need to fix that first!
There are also a couple of old dll files associated with SweetFX that are incompatible with the current Shaders, but most people are not going to have them in their install.
I've installed the Dec 2019 shaders into both RS and KTO with the same results. Something in the d3d8.ini (or maybe the d3d8.dll) is causing both to not start. I've only given it a cursory look so far, but I believe the issue (for me at least) is there. Both theaters work with the new Shaders30 folder but only with the older d3d8 pair. At least I got my AA prob fixed with info from the "Knowledge Base" post.:encouragement:
This is what I have in the d3d8.ini


; Change to NoMultisampling=1 for SweetFX compatibility, but it will disable ingame antialiasing.

; Aircraft shadows. 0 - No Shadows; 1 - Low; 2 - Medium; 3 - Good; 4 - High; 5 - Best
; Terrain shadows. 0 - Disabled; 1 - Low Quality; 2 - Medium; 3 - High
; 0 - Disabled; 1 - Enabled
; Enable dynamic lights (gun flashes, etc) for scenery objects. 0 - Off. 1 - On.
; Adjust sprite (smoke, dust, etc) brightness according to time of day. 0 - Off (always bright). 1 - On.
; Sun glare and lens flares. 0 - Off. 1 - On.
; How often cockpit reflections are updated (1 - fastest, 1000 - every 1000th frame, 0 - disabled)
; Note that the reflection consists of 6 sides of a cube, and this interval is for ONE side
; So even though the 1 is fastest it will still take 6 frames for full update.
; Resolution of environment reflection cubemap.
; 1 = 128x128; 2 = 256x256; 3 = 512x512; 4 = 1024x1024

; Tweaks strength of environment reflection. 0 - off. 1 minimum, 9 maximum.
; Tweak sharpness of sun and environment reflections. 1 dullest, 9 sharpest.

; -1 - Off; 0 - Default; 1 - VSync On

; 0 - Use default (which is 60 degrees); 1...180 - override FOV for external views.

; Adjusts mouse speed for clickable cockpit functions.
; Range 0 to 10. Value of 0 disables mouse view entirely.
; Time in seconds before mouse look automatically returns to centered view
; Controls MouseView zoom increment/decrement steps. Valid values from 1 to 50. 20 is exactly the default value for CFS3/WOFF.
; Smooth zoom speed. Zoom still changes step-wise, but transition between steps is smooth now.Range of values 0 to 10. Set to 0 to disable smooth zoom.
; Zoom Direction. Default behavior is wheel-up = zoom-in. To change it to wheel-down = zoom-in use InvertMouseZoom=1

; Enables or disables (if set to 0) head movement due to G-forces in cockpit view (offset and rotation)
; Controls the magnitude of head movement. Default value is 100. Rotation is unaffected by this setting.
; Controls XYZ offset speed. Low values have high inertia so the response will lag more. Typically 4 to 100 with higher restoring the head position faster. Default 12
; Controls rotation speed. Low values have high inertia so the response will lag more. Default 24
; Offset Damping with low values being more damped, Default 6

; Reflector Sight Setup Mode for Modders
; Set to 1 to be able to see reflector gunsight coordinates on screen, use CTRL or ALT + arrow keys to adjust the gunsight.
; Additionally use CTRL/SHIFT + D/W/S/A to adjust "target" distance/wingspan and relative scale for calibrating gunsight size.
;Use ctrl/shift + one of following keys:
;W – adjust target wingspan
;D – adjust target distance
;S – adjust reticle scale #1
;A – adjust reticle scale #2
;The target is drawn as a semi-transparent magenta square at specified distance in front of “camera” (so you have to align you view with reticle first).
;Adjusted values are not saved automatically, you have to type them in manually.
ClickableSetupMode=0 ; Set to 1 to set part names and bounding boxes to aid in setting up the clickable cockpits.

; Terrain Lighting and Bump Mapping
TerrainSpecular=-8.4, 8.0, 2.4
TerrainBumpFactor=1.0, 1.6, -3.0
; Scenery Lighting
; Facility Lighting - FacilityBrightness works as a multiplier for diffuse color of building.
; So if you have a texture pixel with RGB value = 200 and FacilityBrightness = 0.8 the result will appear as if RGB value was 200 * 0.8 = 160. It can also make objects brighter if you use value >1.0.
; Should match PatchPixelDim in compositetexturebudgets.xml to get correct terrain bumpmapping

; Weather tuning (might be overwritten by WOFF)
; Range 0...100 as percentage of sunlight reduction.
; 0 - No shadows; 1 - 10%; 2 - 20%; ...; 10 - 100%. Doesn't make much sense to go below 50%.
; 0 - No shadows; 1 - 10%; 2 - 20%; ...; 10 - 100%. Smaller values cause brighter shadows.
; Ambient+sun light amount when night sprites are enabled
; Set to 1 to hide searlight beams pointing directly upwards for some time (as in WOTR)

; Set to 1 to draw clouds sprites from both sides (normally only one side is visible)
; Slightly reduces cases of abruptly disappearing clouds when you fly past by but not much really.

; Troubleshooting options

; Since Win7 DirectX 9 can use new drivers enabling 'unlimited' GPU memory and much faster Alt-TAB.
; Set to 1 to enable these new drivers, but may have problems with older ATI/AMD cards

; Set to 1 to convert any fullscreen mode selected in cfs3config into windowed mode.
; If resolution is less than desktop res it will appear as a normal window, if matches - borderless.
; Many modern games use 'borderless fullscreen' which is actually a windowed mode.
; Note that this mode yet doesn't support antialiasing (multisampling).
From the d3d8.log:

0.00: Start - DLL Version Nov 23 2019
0.29: D3DWrapper::GetAdapterDisplayMode - 640, 480, 60, 22
0.32: D3DWrapper::GetAdapterDisplayMode - 640, 480, 60, 22
0.33: D3DWrapper::CreateDevice - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980 (Driver Version:
0.33: D3DWrapper::CreateDevice - Hardware Vertex Processing
0.33: D3DWrapper::CreateDevice - Adapter: 0, Type: 1, Flags: 0x42
0.33: D3DWrapper::CreateDevice - Windowed: 0, Width: 0, Height: 0, Refresh: 0, Format: 0, Multisampling: 0
0.33: D3DWrapper::CreateDevice - AutoDepthStencil: 1 Format: 75
0.33: D3DWrapper::CreateDevice - SwapEffect: 1, PresentationInterval: 0, BackBufferCount: 1
0.33: D3DWrapper::CreateDevice - D3D9Ex is disabled.
0.33: D3DWrapper::CreateDevice - CreateDevice call - FAILED. HR = 0x8876086C
0.44: DllMain - Exit.

I'm assuming D3D9Ex is the culprit? There is no D3D9Ex in the main folder.
Well I've installed the most recent version and so far it works! At first blush however, I still get the "square cloud" thing and my water textures haven't really changed. The airbases in between flights do seem much more detailed......guess it's a start!
From both RS and KTO:

Same here
Same error
Same DLL's
Same not starting when Ankors Shaders enabled in JSGME
Running fine when disabled

Furthermore I see some differences in my d3d8.ini

I have copied your version, but to no avail.
Any thoughts?