


...the opening of The Source File Archive, a new resource for designers and the flight sim community dedicated to the preservation of FSDS and Gmax source files representing untold hours of creative work. :jump:

Every single week we lose original source files from which many of our most popular addons were created. Designers seldom post their source files for fear of piracy, and eventually they are lost through crashes or the designer moving on to other interests. :isadizzy:

This archive will provide a safe haven for designers to park source files AND have control over them.

I am dedicating two large external drives to this for the archive and one for backup. The archive will contain the ZIPed source files (and original textures, if available) cross-referenced by author, program, type, etc. in a database of my own design. :kilroy:

Designers can send their files via email for archiving knowing that the files will not be made available to anyone without the author's specific permission. :applause:

I am committed to managing the project personally, and should I be unable to carry it forward, will find a successor to do so.

Bismarck13, Brunosk, Crashaz, Oldwheat, myself and several other dedicated producers have joined the effort initially. Everyone is welcome to contribute.

Files can be submitted to me directly via email (click on Tango_Romeo in this post to send email) or just PM me for directions.

Essentially, all that is needed is a ZIP containing the source file (with textures if available), a file ID naming the author, design program and sim, and instructions on how the file should be handled. :engel016:
Hi T_R,

this is I believe a fantastic idea, no more will we lose untold hours of work when a designers hard drive goes belly up..

individual designers could use this resource to back up their own work and should God forbid one day their hard drive dies they can call upon yourself to retreive their source files and be back in business in a couple of days.

I will pm you shortly to get details on were to send source files, I have several gmax models (my own) that may be of use down the track.

great initiative, :ernae:

regards Rob.
A great idea Tango! and thankyou for setting it up. I'd like to use the facility please so will contact you in the near future.


Clive :)

...for the support, Guys. Looking forward to your contributions. :wavey:

It is a worthwhile project and one I do not take lightly. As the webmaster at the Fox Four and several other websites, I know how much I'm letting myself in both time and money.

As a designer myself, I want my source files to be preserved. :engel016:
The first...

...files are beginning to arrive, and the first catalog is being built for publication. :running:
I'm happy... announce that The Source File Archive is now officially in existence. :wavey:

The first section is exclusively FSDS files and there are now nearly 300 of them in the archive. :jump:

The Gmax section is to be added shortly. :engel016:

The catalog has almost caught up with the archive's contents.....with me working as fast as I can. :running:
Catalog Available...

The first edtion of the FlightSim Source File Catalog is now available as a 13-page PDF file using this link to view/download:

The Archive now contains roughly 400 FSDS and Gmax source files.

Baldy's and Milton Shupe's files were the last ones added.......:engel016:
Attached Thumbnails