Annual Bandwidth Drive


Retired SOH Admin
It's that time of year again...time to pay the bills to keep this site up and running. I know that times are tight....oh, how I money now has the words "Endangered Species" printed on it...but I will be making my contribution to the cause today. While I can not chip in much, I know that it will help reach the goal of $7000.

If you have already made a donation to the fund...thank you!

If you haven't made a donation yet, take a look at this link:

Now...if you can not make a contribution, that is totally understandable and no one will think less of you...times are hard, money is in short supply and the prices of the things we need to buy for real world life aren't getting cheaper. But if you can forgo one trip to McDonalds...$5...that will help us reach the goal and keep SOH running for another of ads. What else can you spend $5 on and get so much for your money? Information, tips, tweaks, a plethora of paints and sound packs, and the best darn bunch of people to hang out with on the internet.

Ickie likes to pay the bills early in the year, and in one lump sum, as he is able to negotiate a better price by doing so, and get us the best possible bandwidth for the money. Paying in installments will require more money...kind of like your car the entire policy at one time and save $100 for the year.

Let's all rally round the banner and get this done.

Very good OBIO. As a matter of fact, in spite of being on a "fixed income", I was able to increase my donation. And it is well worth it, given the benefits and the entertainment of this Forum. So guys, please donate as soon as possible, as much as possible.:173go1::salute::salute::salute:
As of 2:07 pm Ohio time, were are $1840 short of our goal of $7000. If you have not donated, give it some serious thought. If you can spare even $5 to help fund this site for another year...another year of ad free SOH, another year of tips, tweaks, paints, sound packs, fellowship and laughs, another year of the best sim forum on the net...a forum that covers everything from CFS1 all the way up through FSX.

I look through the Members List database every now and then and for the sheer number of names listed, if each member donated $5 bucks, we'd be there already. Just 5 Dollars.

I did my bit, and hope that it helps. This is by far the best flightsim forum as well as the best bunch of folks IMHO.

OK, I already gave a donation but I have left a second donation of $50.00 for ten of our SOH members who are unable donate due to fixed income or out of work. I hope this helps. Ed :ernae:

It certainly does help...and thank you for your generosity and support.

As of Noon Ohio Time, we are at $5400....$1600 short of the goal.

If you have not donated yet and can spare a few dollars, please give it some serious consideration.

There's still not enough to cover the costs!

With so many members this has got to be a piece of cake???

Come on guy and gals, please donate. There's even a new server for online flying!


This should be WAY too easy! As of this this post, there have been over 1,100 members - not visitors, members online in the past 24 hours. Granted, some of you have already given. But the rest... If even 400 members gave just $5, that would be more than enough to cover the cost of the new server.

The next time you go to your favorite fast-food burger joint for a cheap lunch, just come back to your PC and match that amount as a contribution here. It won't hurt, I promise!:applause:
I love my flying both real world and in the sim and if it wasnt for places such as this, my interest in the latter would have waned ages ago.

I am I confess currently umemployed and coming here, reading about what is new and getting info on new releases etc, makes a pleasant change from sending CVs and filling in application forms. What with the intended online flying server, it will if people are in the position to help, be a even better place.

I've donated twice now, not massive amounts I admit, but just something to show my gratitude for the past and hopefully too for the future.

Best wishes,
