Annual Fund Drive

Tom Clayton

Staff member
Yes, that blue and red bar at the top of the screen can only mean one thing - it's time to raise a few dollars/euros/pounds/whatevers so that we can keep the lights turned on, as it were. If every member that's active here was to chip in just $10 (or equivalent), it would go a long way to reaching our goal, but every little bit helps. I'll be keeping this post stickied until the fund raiser is done. If you'd like to donate, there's a "Contribute Now" link at the right end of the bar, or you can click the link below:
Guess it's donation time, lol.

Donated here, Zibo, and the LevelUp Threshold team this evening.

You can never donate enough to compensate for what all are doing to let us enjoy our passion for aviation.

Keep up the great work.
And from me as well. If everybody chips in with just a few €'s, there shouldn't be a problem reaching the goal to keep the site up and running!

Been using this site far more since MSFS came out & have gotten so much from it.

I was more than happy to donate & have just done so.

Ahh, thank you Marcel, that did it!
Quite embarrassing that it took me seven years to figure it out. :)

That is called age Mathias..... :biggrin-new: :biggrin-new: :biggrin-new:

The older you get the longer it takes to understand these simple things!

Now that we've hit the goal, I'm pulling the glue - but if you still haven't donated, there's still time!