Another Avro paint...



Another 'maybe' paint ; an Avro Tutor of the British (USA) Flight Training School programme ;
here marked as belonging to BFTS #1 , at Terrell, TX @1943

Comments welcome , planning to upload all 3 of the recent ones in one pack with an additional model as shown, once Nigel he says yes.



background info:-

The British Flying Training Schools (BFTS)

The British FlyingTraining Schools represents the classic "All-Through School" as described on the Home page of this site. The RAFcadets training at the referenced fields utilized the PT-17 or PT-19 for primary, then the BT-13 for basic and finally the AT-6 for their flying qualification.Typically each BFTS location was provided with forty each of the three types of aircraft. Through RAF Hq. insistance the Vultee BT-13 Valiant aircraft was withdrawn from the flying training sequence and students transitioned directly from primary to advanced flying training. Given the RAF success of this revised flying training plan the USAAF (and USN) withdrew the BT-13 from their flying training program as well. As a point of interest occasionally a contingent of USAAF cadets were included in the British schools and upon graduation were awarded both USAAF and RAF wings for their uniforms.
