Here is a list of just the missions this *** is selling made by our Masters..
If he is making money on any of this shouldn't that go to the authors of this work. Not to the person who pinched this..
1 CFS3 default missions modified to change the player aircraft from lead airplane to rear position in the flight group. Bruce Edge. 82K
Raid on Worth. This is my second released mission, this one is a raid on a British airbase on the coast, get in fast and avoid the fighters. Just copy this into your CFS3\missions\historical folder. Enjoy! Richard Voigt. 3K
CFS3 Mission Pack (v1.0) This is a package of 8 missions for CFS3, which were done in order to learn how to make missions for the new game. Only the mission Escort Withdrawl was made after the release of the SDK, and so only it takes advantage of the new random features of CFS3. C Burgess, for the Ground Crew Design Group. 329K
Giessen Rail Run. 3 Flight Mission by Karsten Young. 4K
Spitfire Wing Mission Pack for CFS3 (v1.0). This is a package of 26 missions for CFS3 which, if flown in chronological order, are meant to provide a mini-campaign which follows historical events. The missions trace the experiences of a hypothetical spitfire pilot from midsummer 1942 through to autumn 1943. By C Burgess, for the Ground Crew. 241K
V1s over LONDON 5 HISTORICAL MISSIONS FOR CFS3 upgrade, ALLIED SIDE. In the night of the 12th of june 1944, the first flying bombs fell on London. From the 12th of june 1944 to the 29th of march 1945, day and night, 10.763 were send against the capital, causing more than 9000 casualties. The Mosquitos were the first planes mobilised against flying bombs, which could reach 560 km/h. Squadrons of Tempests and Spitfires XIV, specialised in the hunting of V1s were created, among which the Fighter Interception Unit (FIU). By Gerald West. 945K
'V1's over London's installation : correction. 10K
Escort mission for CFS3. Fly leader as a sqaudron of P-51D Mustang as you escort a squadron of B-26Gs as they bomb Berlin. Based 3 days after D-Day, so I recomend that you downlaod a repaint of the P-51D with invasion stripes. Mission created by Craig White. 3K
CFS3 Mission: Attack the V1 site, A low level mission, stay below 100 feet to avoid detection by enemy radar,It is a fictitious mission inspired by the exploits of all pilots who flew low level across the channel to strike at ground targets of the enemy.Ian Shrimpton. 73K
CFS3 ANR Mission Pack. This is a package of 18 missions for CFS3 which, if flown in chronological order, are meant to provide a mini-campaign which follows plausibly historical events. The missions trace the experiences of a hypothetical ANR pilot from midwinter 1943/44 through to the end of the war in the spring of 1945. By C Burgess, for the Ground Crew. 1.3MB
CFS3 Battle for Europe Mission Pack. This is a package of 46 missions for CFS3 which, if flown in chronological order, are meant to provide a mini-campaign which follows plausibly historical events. The missions trace the experiences of a hypothetical American pilot who starts flying with the RAF in the autumn of 1941, then transfers to the USAAF to fly spitfires, thunderbolts and mustangs based in Britain. The pilot's tour of active duty ends in the summer of 1944. The story is very loosely based on James Goodson's experiences in the RAF and in the 4th Fighter Group, as described in his autobiography "Tumult in the Clouds" By C Burgess, for the Ground Crew. 1.3MB
CFS3 Operation Market Garden Pt. 1. This is the first batch in a series of missions based on my interpretation of Operation "Market Garden" carried out by the Allied forces in September 1944, and was the biggest airborne invasion in history, if they are flown in crhonological order they'll give some resmblence to history. I Shrimpton, Urlybird. 85K
CFS3 Foil D-Day mission. This is a What if mission you are trying to destory the D-day invasion convoy. By Stormtropper-NS1. 6K
CFS3 Operation Market Garden Pt. 2 This is the second batch in a series of missions based on my interpretation of Operation "Market Garden" carried out by the Allied forces in September 1944, and was the biggest airborne invasion in history, if they are flown in crhonological order they'll give some resmblence to history. I Shrimpton, Urlybird. 63K
CFS3 AntiShip Mission Pack (v1.0) This is a package of 7 missions for CFS3 which are a series of anti-shipping missions which fly a number of GC or 1% aircraft. They are meant to be glorified quick combat missions flown against shipping. C Burgess. 15K
CFS3 Pacific 42 Mission Pack (v1.0) This is a package of 13 missions for CFS3 which are meant to portray historically plausible experiences of an American wildcat pilot on Guadalcanal in the fall of 1942. The missions are set during a single action-packed week of this period, rather than following the pilot through the entire campaign. This island of Corsica is used in the default theatre to represent Guadalcanal. 29K
CFS3 Missions for the B-17. UPGRADED TO ELIMINATE THIRD-PARTY FILE PROBLEMS This is a set of 12 Missions written for use with the B-17 Molly II available for free download from the AVHistory site. However, it will work with any other B-17 you may have. The Missions cover a variety of targets, time and weather conditions, but are not specifically historical - instead they are meant to give a flavour of the times. Missions written by Mike Eustace. 51K
CFS3 Operation Overlord. This mission pack contains missions for Operation Overlord, all concerning the D-day landings. All missions are playable with both allied & axis forces. 483K
CFS3 Derwent Dam and 617 Dambusters Training Mission . Included is a model of the Derwent dam in Derbyshire over which 617 sqdn practiced low level and night flying during April 1943 By Pat Pattle Clive Morley. 538K
CFS3 Korean Theatre Construction Set The Korean Theatre Construction Set (KTCS) uses your existing copy of Combat Flight Simulator 3 to create a new game directory then installs the Dogpatch Crew's DPC CFS3 Korea game. After installation, the two games operate completely independantly. The game features the new Korean Theatre and several new aircraft and vehicles developed by the Dogpatch Crew. Many of the features of Combat Flight Simulator 3 work properly with the new Korean Theatre but not all of them owing to ongoing issues with the beta version of the Microsoft CFS3 Scenery SDK. Therefore, the Dogpatch Crew still consider the DPC CFS3 Korea game a beta release. None the less, you will enjoy flying the Korean War aircraft over authentic Korean terrain. It's a whole new game! The Dogpatch Crew: Spencer “Green_Day” Carter Sterling “Dakota93” Dedic Daniel “Strumvogel” Leahy Dean “tenspeed” Reilly Ed “GZR_Groundhog” Wilson Tom “twintrow” Wintrow. 87MB
Combat Flight Simulator 3 Mission Pack
Two new missions are available for Combat Flight Simulator 3! These missions, which were designed with multiplayer in mind, will get you into action quickly.
Death Beach
Death Beach is a historically-oriented mission that takes place during the Normandy invasion. Allied troops are storming the beaches of Normandy; unfortunately, a nasty surprise awaits them. A reserve German tank company has moved in to act as coastal artillery, and is hammering the landing craft as they come ashore. You are flight leader of a section of P-51Bs loaded with Bazooka rockets and bombs. Take out those tanks!
Death Beach can be played as a cooperative or competitive multiplayer mission. Because it starts in the air near the battleground, you won't need to fly for extended periods of time to reach the action. German players man an intercept flight of Bf-109s scrambled to protect the platoon.
Defend Factory
The Defend Factory mission is simply a free-for-all shooting-gallery type mission, and is not based on any historical events. German armored vehicles are attacking an allied factory. As pilot of a flight of Typhoons, you must destroy the attacking tanks before they cause heavy damage to the factory. The mission is challenging because the tanks attack quickly—as flight leader, you will need to prioritize what is attacked first.
The Defend Factory mission can be played cooperatively.