Another FlightSim Site Hacked


Charter Member
This time it's UKMIL. They were hacked yesterday, the message on their website reads as is:

[FONT=&quot]UKMIL was Hacked on 22nd June 2010. Thanks to whoever hacked this site, and forced the Hosting Company to shut UKMIL down.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] Some clown decided to install some Phising files in the root area, which then forced the Hosting Co to close the account.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] As a result, UKMIL will remain closed until I can take steps to secure the site and prove to the Hosting Co this will not happen again.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] If I cannot, then UKMIL will not be back. You can say thanks to the idiot Hackers out there[/FONT]

Get the noose, we got another :censored: to hang :violent:


Sad ...
But at least they are now aware their site was insecure.
Today time (clowns proliferation :) ) .. security matter is a must on the internet
What do you gain from hacking a free flightsim site anyway?​

Depends on the hack, could be gaining info on those who frequent the site, but I think sometimes its practice for bigger things. I would hate to think that it's someone just showing how big an ******* they can be ! If it is they need to get a life.
If that "noose" is made of rope and intended for the neck, it's a waste of good rope. You need to make it from piano wire and put it around a slightly more tender group of body parts!:monkies:
If that "noose" is made of rope and intended for the neck, it's a waste of good rope. You need to make it from piano wire and put it around a slightly more tender group of body parts!:monkies:
with the other end attached to the collar of a large dog with a penchant for chasing cars..
actually, I was thinking of
the removal of a finger
for the first offense,
followed by a hand,
or maybe an eye.
but I guess that might be
just a bit too biblical for some.
actually, I was thinking of
the removal of a finger
for the first offense,
followed by a hand,
or maybe an eye.
but I guess that might be
just a bit too biblical for some.

Put me in the judicial system with my rules, as you stated, and that's the way things would be. IMO, Indonesia has the best system on the planet. But, that's my opinion.
...Damn hackers.

Of course, I've always been an "Equal punishment, for equal crime" type. Look at the money we'd save in the prison systems!!!
What do you gain from hacking a free flightsim site anyway?

As UKMIL wrote: "...[FONT=&quot]Some clown decided to install some Phising files in the root area..." [/FONT]those/the one who did it was possibly just some criminal who thought he/she/someone... would gain something of pishing for example passwords. Besides that the world is full of all kind of lunatics ... who knows.

I don't get it...:confused: Why someone feels the need to hack a site like UKMIL. UKMIL has done nothing but good for the FS Community... Bloody Pirates! Those "demons" have no place here.... or anywhere else for that matter.
