Another FS_Bf109E series problem.


Charter Member
Now that the prop problem is solved i noticed another one. The airspeed gauge does not work on any fs_bf109e's version2. All others in my Pat's BoB install work properly. What could it be ? Mouse over it and airspeed shows up but needle does not move on the gauge. All other instruments work good in the fs bf109e's. Regards,Scott
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Found to be just a few fs_bf109e's to have the gauge problem. Seems to be different cockpits in the models. Will check into it deeper. Any thoughts ?
Problem solved. Replaced cockpits on problem aircraft with one of the optional cockpits offered in the install package and now all gauges work properly. Must say that the Bf-109E's in Pat's BoB and in the ETO expansion are fantastic. Their cockpits are great and very immersive. Don't know who did the Bf-109E's in those installs but they did a outstanding job.(now time to enjoy all these Bf109E's !) Regards,Scott
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I have this problem in the Areroplane Heaven 109. I tried different shared files, but haven't found it. It's in the BoB install.



I had the same problem but i used the cockpit m3d from one of my fs Bf-109E aircraft to solve the problem. Worked for me. Weird thing is that all the other 109's were fine. Hope this helps. Regards,Scott
I had the same problem but i used the cockpit m3d from one of my fs Bf-109E aircraft to solve the problem. Worked for me. Weird thing is that all the other 109's were fine. Hope this helps. Regards,Scott

Yes I could do that.



Edit: And that solved it. I copied and renamed another M3D cockpit file.