Another gift fro AF Scrub


In the Luft'46 spirit.....

It's over at

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 WarbirdsFS2004/FSX Junkers EF-126 Lili
[SIZE=-1] FS2004/FSX Junkers EF-126 Lili v2. The Junkers Lili prototype was built in late 1944 as a very simple, rapidly produced small fighter aircraft. It used the simplest and cheapest power plant available, had the minimum of strategic materials and practically no electrical equipment. It used the Argus As 014 pulse jet, the same powerplant as the Fi 103 Buzz Bomb (V1). The Miniaturjager was to takeoff and land conventionally. The plan was to build large numbers of these aircraft, and thus simply overwhelm the enemy bomber formations with their numbers. Panel mods by Erwin Welker. New upgraded Gmax model by A.F. Scrub.

Thanks, Scrubby :icon29:
I'm just downloading the "MiniturJaeger" now. I hope to get here in the air today sometime and see what she does. When I was a kid I wondered why the Luftwaffe hadn't made a light fighter using the pulse jet engine. I guess they did!

I found this image on the web.
It's quite a bit of fun and performs pretty much like a scalded cat after a mouse. It is interesting to speculate what a sky full of these could have done to the allied bombing effort. I think that the pulse jet had some limitations and I'm not sure how well it would have performed in aerial combat, but it's fun none the less.
If I remember the 'Pulse Jet' operating principles (and from a long time ago I must add!) from a course during my Uni Student days, the limiting performance factor is air density.
The rather crude fuel/air mixture depends on high oxygen levels, ergo the performance degrades sharply at higher altitudes.
I'd imagine that would be why these power units were used as boosters for piston engined aircraft or simply as low cost/low altitude primary power for 'disposables' such as the V.1.
This little sucker would be 'interesting' to get off the ground and considerably 'more interesting' to get back down.
'Pucker Factor' around 10+ ................. :icon_eek:
That's what I recall too Wombat. With no compressor, it just depends on air density and I guess velocity would would also help to some extent. Certainly an ingenious design in its simplicity.
And he's released yet another one.....

Size: 4,266,583 Date: 05-15-2013 Downloads: 44

FS2004/FSX Hall Springfield Bulldog Racer. The Hall Springfield Bulldog racer was designed by John Hall after he left the Granvilles of Gee Bee fame. It raced only once, in the 1932 Cleveland race and finished 6th because of engine problems. It was said to have reached a top speed of 270 knots. Your model will do about 240 knots and is set up slightly twitchy as was the real Bulldog. Gmax model by A.F. Scrub.