Another heads up about a CFS2 plane


Retired SOH Admin
Lionheart did a post about Ito's Westland Whirlwind and that reminded me of a very very nice CFS2 Whirlwind that I have in my collection. I dropped it into FS2004, and it works superbly. The plane was originally done by J R Lucinary, was converted to CFS2 by Sopwith Chameleon, then was updated by Dbolt and Chris N (I think I have that right). The Whirlwind has a very decent VC, no VC animations but the detail is nice.

Check out this thread for the needed files and who did them:

The only thing that I needed to fix for this Whirlwind to be totally FS2004 ready was the gun site....I had to take the MDL into a hex editor and remove the reflective texture in order for the alpha channel to make the gun site transparent instead of reflective. I will contact the needed parties and get permission to upload the tweaked MDLs for FS2004 use (should work in FS2002 as well, but since I don't have that sim, I can't say for sure).

I know how to disable the VC with a hex editor, but I never heard of using one to disable reflections. I use WuhWuzDat's Shine/MDLC combo to activate it, but I never knew you could reverse it.
A while back, JDTinballs posted a short tute on using a hex editor to remove the reflective texturing from the props and VC panels of planes. It is a very simple process once you know it....all you have to do is open the MDL file in the hex editor and do a search for the files that need the reflective removed from...say PROPBLUR.bmp for instance. When you find that section of the MDL, there will be two sections for that file. In the coding of the first section, there will be a 02...simply change the 2 to a 0 and the reflective is removed.

I will contact JDTinballs and get his permission to upload his tute in zip form to the library so that it will be easier to find than scrolling back through several months worth of threads.
