ANOTHER irritating problem.


Charter Member
Mouse clicks in the ATC window does not work. There's no way to contact/answer ATC and I've yet to find a solution or workaround. All of the keys, at least, work properly as do mouse clicks. Except for the ATC window.

Thank you in advance for the upteenth time,

I don't think mouse clicks in the ATC window ever worked in FS9, that was an FSX innovation.

Just double checked my fs9 now, and it doesn't work.
Yeah. BRAIN PHART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I plead old age. You're both exactly right. I don't know what I was - or wasn't - thinking.

Thank you mucho,
Just wishful thinking, nothing wrong with that. Not as worrisome someday I'm going to get back in a real cockpit and look for a zoom key or something :biggrin-new: