It's exactly the other way around for me!
That's why I'm more than satisfied with Manfred's (and his team's) solution Stefan explained above. This 'full window FE station' amazed me right from the start.
I simply love hopping on the FE's chair during climb&cruise to do all the fine tuning on these tricky engines and I won't like to do this in VC with my head turned far right until it hurts... :mixedsmi:
Well I'm particularly biased to the 'stay in the VC' approach
since I fly FSX and spend most of my time in the
A2A B-377, managing the various systems on that
aircraft. ( Just finished and around the world series
of flights - 14 legs and 74 hours, all 'real time' -
went through 2 engines as well ).
I almost never leave the cockpits so the visuals from
the VC are very important to me.
As a retired engineer who used to do a lot of assembly language
programming, I can understand well the tradeoffs involved
in creating the environment for an aircraft.
I use TrackIR and have one of my X-45 hats set up
to change to 4 different camra views ( in FSX via
CameraDefinitions and HotKey assignments ).
I simply flick the hat switch back and I'm sitting
at the FE station. Flick right and I'm in the right seat.
I can look over my shoulder to scan the gauges, say
in the B-377 or Darko's connia, and when I notice
something that needs attention I can hop on back there
Also, I have dual Saitek Pro quadrants which provide
me with an abundance of switches to tweak thinks
like cowl flaps and intercooler flaps without having
to 'mouse' the controls.
So, alot depends on ones setup as well as personnal
preferences. I'm just thankful that I have all this
computing power at my disposal to be able to enjoy
our virtual world
As for the Connie, as a former aircrewman with somewhere
around 300-350 missions in C-121J's out of Tan Son Nhut
and DaNang back in '66 and '67, I'm glad to have as many
as possible in my inventory, particularly those that are
FSX compatible.