I'm thankful for the men in the UK like Peter Brothers that fought for the freedom that we have today.
Also, the USA men who fought for the USA Constitution and The Bill of Rights that we still have today. There where some that where in power that tried to take that freedom away.
Even now there are some in power that have ignored the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to do what thy wanted in the name of freedom and protection of the people.
The new White House Administration in DC have released some documents showing that this was happening in the USA after 9-11. Something to keep an eye-on in the next few weeks.
We all want the terrorist stopped, but we also want it to be done legally-- from wire taps to search and seizure ,video tape's that where made and then said where never taken and then later distorted.
Apparently all the CIA and FBI had to do was say someone was a suspected terrorist.How convenient is that! Sound's like what the Gestapo and SS where doing in the 30's and 40's.But thy were only doing what Hitler told them to do. Wake up America!
Thank you all for putting your life on the line to protect our freedom. The fight go's on.
flyer 01