Another Razbam A-7 repaint WIP


Charter Member
This one was a tough one. Got some weird texture blending with the black color, but am working on it.




Very Nice!!

RobH, Very nice Sir, You are Rather Good at this, I cant wait to see what other Gems you have in the pipeline, Keep up the Great Work!!:salute::salute::salute:
Thanks folks!

Here is a little peek at the next one. Not the best pic, but I was actually taking it for the water, lol.

Thank you sir!!!

This will complement the existing Tiger very nicely. Looking forward to it!
Since RAZBAM never added the paintkit to their website only the Harrier, Mirage and Mig-19 do you have the paintkit and would share it here please?
Well, that is odd. I found it in the main folder where a folder Razbam is situated?
P.M.'d you.

Since I own it from previous commercial work before I retired, I have a copy of Adobe Photoshop and Nividia plugins which I much prefer but I understand why anyone would want to use GIMP which is free rather than Adobe's new method of monthly fees and you never own the software as I do mine.
Since I own it from previous commercial work before I retired, I have a copy of Adobe Photoshop and Nividia plugins which I much prefer but I understand why anyone would want to use GIMP which is free rather than Adobe's new method of monthly fees and you never own the software as I do mine.
Its only because i cant find the paint kit for some airplanes, an editor works just fine as a substitute
Its only because i cant find the paint kit for some airplanes, an editor works just fine as a substitute
I have had to do that with many aircraft, like I just did with the A1-H. Tim made a paintkit but it was all dark gray or seasia camo. I airbrushed out anything I didn't want in Photoshop as you can see in the CVG-1 thread and then hid the background of the all dark gray psd in the paintkit; downloaded the panel and rivet lines as a png and then added that layer over the created paintkit replacing all the panel lines and rivets that I had "airbrushed" out. Yes, Adobe Photoshop is MY editor. Lucky enough to have bought it when I was still working and they sold the program NOT a subscription so I can reload it into every new computer. So far it works. It was used originally on Windows 98 and thank you Lord it still works even though it doesn't have the new features it still does a great job. Expecially with the Nvidia plugins I can download for free. A lot of cool stuff like the rivet brush I have which you can paint a whole line of rivets with and vary the size to whatever you need. Photoshop has a learning curve but wonce you do the different color scrolls on the tails of the squadrons on the Rosey in 1959-60.