Another recruit reporting for duty…



Greetings OFF community!

I think that the recent SOH system crash is my fault. I was just preparing to post this message when the system must have realized that I was coming back after a long absence and it probably couldn’t handle the thought of it….sorry! :redface:

It’s been well over a year since I’ve been on a SOH forum! I used to haunt the CFS2 forum on a regular basis and I see a few familiar names here on OFF from my CFS2 days. I stopped my flight sim activities for a while partly due to numerous lifestyle changes and issues and I confess that my interest in flight simming had waned a bit for various other reasons.

Recently I happened to stumble on the OFF web page with the feature movies for P3, and oh boy, I was badly smitten with the old ‘lust’ I once had many years ago for the aircraft of the Great War! I think I have watched these fabulous videos a dozen times each, and I have become more and more enamored with the idea of flying in the skies over Europe 1915 – 1918. I’ve already looked into purchasing CFS3, the P3 DVD (I wonder how to get on that list after the system recovery?), and TrackIR 4. Fortunately my joystick and pedals are still close at hand, so I can easily be up and running. I have changed my old avatar to one suited to the theme of the Great ‘Air’ War.

I have to say that the opportunity of getting the whole package for OFF P3 on a DVD at reasonable cost is very appealing to me. I don’t mind minor tweaks and occasional major adjustments or dramatic upgrades, but I did find in CFS2 that the ongoing exercise of experimenting, adding, and adjusting was often very time-consuming and I have too many other life distractions to contend with to be able to maintain such a demanding ‘pastime’. I’m very happy to be able to purchase and download a package that looks to be comprehensive and well implemented…at least, it appears to be!

So, I’m looking forward to hearing some opinions and sharing some thoughts on the forums here at OFF at least once in a while. It feels great to be back with the flight sim community!

Now you can say, as I often used to say… “Oh good, another victim!” :icon_lol:

Welcome: Scapegoat . .how's it feel to be responsable, for loosing over 200 pages of threads

Suggest you scan over this, so you'll be able to hit the ground running

Of course if you don't wanna wait for Phase 3.

Phase 2 is on DVD Free, due to very friendly people

Add your name to the Phase 2 Request List ... Top of Page

In the past, it could be DownLoaded . . . NO MORE
As of yet there's NO thread to enter your Phase 3 Pre-order
Thanks for the welcome, fliers!

Welcome: Scapegoat . .how's it feel to be responsable, for loosing over 200 pages of threads

I can handle it! I have a persecution wife always tells me its my fault...:confused:

Thanks a bunch for the link, gimpyguy! It looks like a lot of important essentials that I'll have to pour over. I might just wait for P3, but if I can't stand it, I'll go after P2.

Hey Jimko!

Phase 2 is FREE!!!! If you don't jump on it, your a fool. You might want to use it to hone your skills so you don't get your a$$ shot off straightaway when you jump on P3!
Just a suggestion.:kilroy:

"Never argue with a fool. People might not know the difference."


Well, I sure don't want to be a I guess I have to try it...
Mind you, I was used to getting my A$$ shot off in CFS2...:icon_lol:
WARNING: Once you play Phase 2, you can only scorn the man in the mirror, when you spend Mucho Dinero to upgrade your system, It's happened to many of us. :ernae:
WARNING: Once you play Phase 2, you can only scorn the man in the mirror, when you spend Mucho Dinero to upgrade your system, It's happened to many of us. :ernae:

Thanks for the warning, Captain! :eek:

My custom built system was pretty high end for about 20 minutes a couple of years ago until something better came along… :isadizzy:
I hope that it will still do the job for a while! I guess I’ll find out.

In the meantime, where are the best prices on TrackIR 4 these days? I’ll Google them, of course, but are there any other great deals out there that aren’t obvious?

And, does anyone know how the P3 orders will be tabulated in the future…are you just waiting for the link to be re-established in a forum thread? If so, any word on that?

I guess Ickie has his hands full trying to recover the database…:banghead: ...poor guy!

you get a $25 discount if you buy from Naturalpoint by using the link at the bottom of the screen if that's any help
Trackir is down to $130. Before the Crash, you could get a $10 Discount ordering through SOH ??????????????????:ernae:
Thanks guys...I'll check those two leads out and see what's available.

I appreciate the suggestions...
All roads lead to CFS2...

Glad ta see ya w/ the right kind of stick in yer hand for a change...

...your billet's always open.
Hey CO...

Didn't think you'd recongnize me in my RFC outfit! Glad to hear from you. These OFF guys hooked me and reeled me in with their videos of wood and canvas splattered in castor oil...kind of an old love affair I used to have!

So, I dusted off (that's a pun) the old equipment. This stuff must be addictive...the 'crack cocaine' of computer technology!

I've heard from a few of the boys in the PTO...they are tracking me down...:d