Another VC View Question


I've been having fun flying the new Gee Bees, but in order for the view from the vc to appear real, to me, I have to fly in 50 percent view. This makes the cockpit and panel nice, but outside, the ground appears too far away.

Is there a way to make the vc cockpit view smaller and not affect the view outside the cockpit (as you can in non vc panel view)? I'm used to flying with the vc view set at 75, some planes at 100, I'd like the Gee Bees better if the vc view was more "real" at 75 percent.

Thanks in advance for any ideas

Barry in Arkansas
Always a problem, I end up zooming in and out with some frequency. The fact thta we have a very stiff neck and no peripheral vision makes things somewhat difficult. The most realistic (other than track IR) is use of a very big monitor such that we can actually look around within that view. A previously unworkable solution that technology is slowly bringing closer to practcality.

Cheers: Tom
About the only compromise solution would be to move the eyepoint back a few clicks in the aircraft.cfg and use 75%. This minimizes the amount of panning around you have to do.

Example: Original
eyepoint= 2.0, 0.0, 2.429

Example: New
eyepoint= 1.2, 0.0, 2.429

If the number is already negative (like -1.5), then make it more negative (like -2.0)