Anson weapon load outs

Pat Pattle

Does anyone have any info on the positioning of the bomb racks on the Anson MK1 please? It carried external and internal ordanance but details of exactly where it went are sketchy.

The Hampden is coming to the boil now so I thought that it was high time that this one left the hangar too.



Hi Clive,

I helped a mate put some bomb racks into an Anson he has been restoring for the last 20yrs. I'll organise some pictures. its a reasonably complicated setup in the wing between the engine and fuselage. the bomb doors dont open as such rather they are spring loaded and the bombs push their way through after being released.

I can get some good pictures of cockpit and other crew positions for you if you like as well for VC models.

regards Rob.
Ah, I remember you saying about that Rob. Yes please on the pics, I have to make the 'pit from scratch, luckily it's pretty basic!