Answer to a Prayer


Charter Member 2011
Can't for the life of me think why there hasn't been a definitive B787?
The fear is that someone will develop one only for FSX :stop: :173go1:
But what if someone...
  • Had figured out how to make a stonking ManyPoly model for FS9 (and sure, do it for the other sim too if you must)
  • Had Boeing on board (they appear to be fussy who touches their product)
  • Had recently done a "trial" Boeing BWB project

Wait a minute...:jump:
Can't for the life of me think why there hasn't been a definitive B787?
The fear is that someone will develop one only for FSX :stop: :173go1:
But what if someone...
  • Had figured out how to make a stonking ManyPoly model for FS9 (and sure, do it for the other sim too if you must)
  • Had Boeing on board (they appear to be fussy who touches their product)
  • Had recently done a "trial" Boeing BWB project

Wait a minute...:jump:

What do you know that we don't!?:confused:

I don't know nuttin' ;)

But it hit me like a bolt out of the blue: just imagine if...
I smell something cooking....

And it is almost ready!?
Lord, make it happen!
We are waiting patiently....
It would not surprise me if Project Opensky have one planned? Let's Hope!

Mike :wiggle:
There is definitely one in the works, just waiting on better info or some such. To call Hiroshi a "perfectionist" is putting it mildly. The latest release was the 747-8F, and he's currently finishing up an all new 767. I don't know what's in store after that.
Well, the problem with doing a high poly model is (what i have seen so far is) having to do all the parts separately in which is a pain.
Well, the problem with doing a high poly model is (what i have seen so far is) having to do all the parts separately in which is a pain.

Hey Cag40Navy,

Basically you burn sections of the model in amounts up to 65,000 polygons. So if you model has perhaps 85,000 Poly's, then you would have 2 exports per node; interior and exterior. Now if your VC is only say 40K Poly's, then you would only have 1 export for the VC and 2 for the Exterior.

I have Nodes or Hierarchies on the Boeing 797 that are sectioned off in Gmax. I go to each one, burn as a X file, then I can copy/paste/rename the X file to the interior counterpart. It takes seconds, both to compile a mini-subsection, as well as to copy/paste/rename duplicates for the interior.

If you type fast, its very quick..... Quick and clean. You can also have power over scaling so that you beat the 4MM limit via entering scaling data into the X file. Simply copy the name of the string in the X file you need, run a 'Find' search for it (Control-F, Paste, Enter, Escape to take away the Find menu, enter your scaling coordinates, done for that X file, next....).

Once you have done it perhaps 3 times, its burned into your memory and goes by swiftly.
