anti-aliasing trouble


Charter Member
Hey P3 guys........unbelievably gorgeous piece of work!!! you beauties.....when I can get my anti-aliasing to stick it looks all I could wish but it never stays past one mission. It's not the ticked box in the display panel....that's covered in FAQ but sometimes I can get the game looking perfect for a mission and the next mission it's back to jaggies along the wing and dotted lines instead of wires. ATI HD4800 card. Any help??? Thanks!
set cfs3 to use AA (depends on system how high) then set display driver AA to override and maybe set it higher.

rem to exit cfs3config file, exit, not close window [X]
Hey P3 guys........unbelievably gorgeous piece of work!!! you beauties.....when I can get my anti-aliasing to stick it looks all I could wish but it never stays past one mission. It's not the ticked box in the display panel....that's covered in FAQ but sometimes I can get the game looking perfect for a mission and the next mission it's back to jaggies along the wing and dotted lines instead of wires. ATI HD4800 card. Any help??? Thanks!

Hello GAW

We have not changed the way CFS3 handles the DX side of things and this sounds like a graphics card setup issue.

In CFS3config - accessible now from workshops - make sure you set up AntiAliasing samples as high as possible:

Go File, change display options, and set up AA to highest samples and click OK.

Then in your Graphics card setup ( I am unsure of ATI) set up override application settings for AA and set AA to whatever samples you require 2x 4 x etc.


thanks gents.....I'll work on it...been into most of those things already but we'll have another go....drop dead beautiful......lasted 2 flights on first campaign before I was toast......whole new game.....THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!
as promised

AA seems to have settled and as empty cockpits, flamers go south, no annoying wing rip, guns sound GREAT, AI are indeed killer and aren't loath to ram......and the skins!!!, and the scenery!!!, and the.....totally WORTH IT! Hats OFF so to speak fellas!!!
Hello GAW

We have not changed the way CFS3 handles the DX side of things and this sounds like a graphics card setup issue.

In CFS3config - accessible now from workshops - make sure you set up AntiAliasing samples as high as possible:

Go File, change display options, and set up AA to highest samples and click OK.

Then in your Graphics card setup ( I am unsure of ATI) set up override application settings for AA and set AA to whatever samples you require 2x 4 x etc.



Now that is a good tip WM. I had the same issue (on the beta you understand ;)) where AA would degrade during gameplay. One minute it would look fantastic ... clean wing lines etc ... and then jagged. But a reinstall has corrected it to date. However, I have always left AA in cfs3config to "none" and over-ride it on my vid vard which is set to 8. But now I'll also set AA in cfs3config to 8 as you suggest.

A very good tip indeed for when I get the commercial copy of P3.
lumpen proletaria

Thanks Catch.....if a lumper like me can sort out the bumps with all the help here(Winder/Pol...OFF guys)......anybody can. BHAH is astonishingly complex and beautiful, but everyone of us has a different rig and the installation of P3 will no doubt have a few awkward interfaces. 99.9% of the work has been done for us by the OFF guys...we can carry the .1 difference...........right??? Thanks fellas....GAW
Catch, why run AA and AF at 8x? Why not 16X? That's what I run them at with an 8800GTX so your 9800GX2 should be able to eat it up.

Lol Gaw. The boys have done good eh !

That's a good point CJ. I'm balancing looks and performance. I like to keep the minimum FPS at around 40 (give or take) as much as possible (maxes out at 60 with vsync on) for good gamplay ... and making video's smoother !

But you have planted a seed my friend. I just never really thought of trying 16 to be honest.
I get a consistent 40-60 fps and my rig isn't as powerful as yours, and yes I'm running V sync also. It looks like this, and still with the good fps. And that pic is from Phase 2. Try it, you'll like it!
For P2 that looks great CJ ! I may experiment but I think you have a faster cpu ? Mine's factory 3ghz and I don't feel comfortable overclocking.