Antonov AN-2


Staff member
Hi All,

Any ideas on the best freeware Antonov AN-2?

I'm redoing my versions of FS2004 & doing a bit of housekeeping.

Robin Cape Town, South Africa
"The best" is always something personal. But I personally like the one by Tim "Conrad" Piglet best. Perhaps not the most authentic, but still a very nice thing to fly.

The one by Vladimir Zhyhulskiy is perhaps more authentic.

Hi Huub,

I know favourites are personal, but I'm willing to try anything.
I know of both Piglet's & [SIZE=-1]Vladimir Zhyhulskiy's AN-2's.
I'm wondering if there are others that I've missed, and also which are the latest versions of both.
Hi Huub,

I know favourites are personal, but I'm willing to try anything.
I know of both Piglet's & [SIZE=-1]Vladimir Zhyhulskiy's AN-2's.
I'm wondering if there are others that I've missed, and also which are the latest versions of both.

There is a very nice An-2 by Anton Nikolaev (Xomer). It requires manual engine start procedures.
Documents are in Russian language, but with help from other sim pilots on the web I can get the
engine started and keep it running. There are many textures and updates, including sounds. It's
a bit of work, but worth it in my opinion.

The link below is for an updated version four years ago, but I am
not sure it is the latest version. Search the authors name on
Avsimsu for more.
Thanks, that will keep me going, trying to read & translate the russian/english.
It looks like some great stuff there.
Say Hurricane91 is there a translation for the FS9 manual? I'd like to start the engine on my own but can't figure it.
I have both Piglet's & [SIZE=-1]Vladimir Zhyhulskiy's AN-2's.[/SIZE].. and both have seen a lot of air time over the years. Out of curiosity I downloaded and installed the An-2 by Anton Nikolayev (Xomer). Suffice to say, I got the airplane started by trial and error. There are 3 switches on the panel that turn on the avionics, battery and generator. Set the mag switch to both and be sure ALL the fuse switches are set to "on". Set the fuel tanks to "all", and she lights right up. The first couple of tries resulted in all the lights being turned on, and me forgetting what switch did what, so I made sure I was on the ground before one at a time switching each one off and then going to the spot plane view to see what the end result was.
Sorry, my Russian is not good, and there are no tool tips in the cockpit, so I'm only guessing what switch does what, or any specific order is needed. Once I had her lit, I went for a nice slow ride around the pattern and thought about it.

Say Hurricane91 is there a translation for the FS9 manual? I'd like to start the engine on my own but can't figure it.

Try this link Stoney. It should take you to page 2 of a thread with a post by "Calypso" that gives a start sequence. Note that on the third post down the
page, Calypso points out that the picture shows the fuel switch in the left corner as being in the "off" position. It should be pointing up. I have a partial
translation but it may take me a while to locate it.

P.S. Make sure the cowl flaps are open (visible only in the 2D panel).
The oil cooler flap must also be in the open position and can
only be operated in the 2D by repeated clicks of the oil cooler
flap switch. The engine may not start on the first attempt, even
if everything is set properly.
I'm trying to sort out which is which with all those AN-2 files from Avsimrus to try establish the latest, or newest Xomer file.
Any info on that?
I'm trying to sort out which is which with all those AN-2 files from Avsimrus to try establish the latest, or newest Xomer file.
Any info on that?

Below the general description, there is info on file size, date uploaded, etc.
I go by the date of upload.