Ant's Airplanes Drifter free demo version 1.10 update


Hello again

I've just released an update to the free demo version of my Drifter (the payware full version will be updated shortly as long as this update doesn't break anything).

(QUICK EDIT: for a few minutes the old V1.00 version was still available after I made this post. As of right now it is V1.10 so if you downloaded before this edit please download it again. The name of the installer program in the zip file will have the correct version number).

Just run the installer and it will update over the top of the original version (no need to uninstall) and don't forget that you can have the demo and payware versions both installed, they do not share any files.

The main changes are:

Creating a custom view doesn't need require editing the cameras file to keep the pilot hidden anymore. Old custom views should still work without any editing.

Fixed an issue where key commands wouldn't operate the fuel pump

Updated the animation of the propeller. This is the biggest change and the one I would most like to see if it causes any problems before making the change in the payware version. So, here is the story:

Ever since I got MSFS I have had a problem with the prop animations. They have always looked very low resolution. I just assumed it was a limitation of MSFS and I don't see anyone else complaining about it. Surely I'm not the only person to have noticed this?

A few days ago I was working on the prop animation for the Tiger Moth and I was logging the data from some variables and that's when I figured out the problem with MSFS prop animation. The default animation code uses the PROP ROTATION ANGLE variable. This appears to only update every 1/18th of a second. This is why the prop animation looks bad. It's only running at 18fps. So if you're lucky enough to have a 30 series graphics card and can run at 60fps then the prop will still only be 18fps because that is how often the PROP ROTATION ANGLE variable is updated.

I've written my own code to animate the propeller. This uses the ENGINE RPM variable and it updates the position every frame so it looks a lot smoother (unless you're running at 20fps in which case you won't notice much difference).

I don't know why Asobo only updates this variable at 18fps. FSX and P3D update it every frame so the prop animation on those sims looks smooth. I thought maybe it's an issue with anti-aliasing (the time dependent one in particular) but I've tried a bunch of anti-aliasing and graphics settings and haven't been able to see any downsides.

So, please download version 1.10 of the Drifter and pay particular attention to the propeller. Does it look smoother? Do you see any odd effects? The Drifter is an odd aircraft as the propeller is in the back so you don't see it normally but for future aircraft the propeller becomes the most noticable part and I'd like to make it as smooth as possible.
well - this explains a lot! I have been trying to understand what the issue is with the spinning prop textures for some time...just thought it was an odd look but couldn't put my finger on 'why' - other than the few ASOBO planes where they clearly
have just botched the textures of the spinning props altogether or those with the props spinning the wrong way (counter-clockwise from the cockpit POV)- Mustang, Ju-52, etc.. but I had noticed a far less than smooth rotation of the prop disc / blades as well, on most aircraft. Now we know why.
I've downloaded your Drifter update and will reply here with my observation of your adjustment. Thank you Anthony
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I've just released an update to the free demo version of my Drifter (the payware full version will be updated shortly as long as this update doesn't break anything).

Thanks once again, and I'd much appreciate if you announce here when the payware version is updated.

Just run the installer and it will update over the top of the original version (no need to uninstall) and don't forget that you can have the demo and payware versions both installed, they do not share any files.

OK but is there any reason to keep the demo version once you've got the payware?
(once both are updated, I mean)
OK but is there any reason to keep the demo version once you've got the payware?
(once both are updated, I mean)

It's a little bit lighter (only one fuel tank) and doesn't include the polygons for the passenger and GPS (which saves a few thousand polys) so I guess it's a bit easier on the framerates. I haven't actually checked that though.

But, if you don't use it then I guess there is no need to keep it. I still think MSFS, every time it loads, goes through all the add-on folders to check for validity of the files so keeping unused add-ons perhaps slows the load up time of the sim itself.
I haven't done a lot of flying with the new version yet, but that new prop texture looks far more realistic to my old eyes.
The old 18 fps texture let the individual prop blades show slowly turning, like I was watching a movie of me flying (maybe
that's why Asobo used it). With your newer higher rev prop texture, the individual blades didn't show, it was much more
of a fast rotating disc effect, like I would expect to see in real life. If I have one criticism, it might be that the new prop
texture is a bit faint, at times almost invisible, when no sunlight is shining directly on it. But maybe that's what I should
expect to see anyway in real life. In any case, I'll certainly take your new higher rev prop texture over the old.

Thanks - RobM
Anthony, I checked. Maybe it wasnt a big problem for me due that the engine is behind me :biggrin-new: but this prop effect in 1.1 looks a lot of better! Great improvment! Also, no pilot in custom view, thank you.
About wishes - if you can it will be good if the soundpack could be improved e.g. when the external view is set in the center (front or behind), the sound of the engine disappears (or so it seems).


Thx for the update!
Hello again

I've just uploaded the version 1.12 update to the free/demo and payware versions. Simmarket, Sendowl and Fastspring should have the update now. Just Flight may take a day or two, I have only just sent them the email about the update. The free/demo is available from my website now.

The full list of changes are:
- Changed the way pilot visibility is handled. Users creating custom cameras shouldn't need to do any editing to show the pilot. If you do need the pilot model to be visible in your custom camera view add NodesToHide ="XMLVAR_PilotShown" to the camera definition. XMLVAR_PilotHidden is no longer used.
- New smoother propeller animations. Recent testing has shown that the default code for prop animation operates at only 18 fps. Custom code in the Drifter now animates the props at the same rate as the sim which produces smoother animation.
- Fixed key commands for the fuel pump
- Fixed GPS on/off key
- Modified engine sounds so less high frequencies are rolled off when viewing front on in the external camera.
- Improved VR cockpit interactivity
- Fixed issue with windshield rain effects not showing