Any appetite for alternate splash screeens?


I've been working up some alternate splash screens and would like to know if I should bother releasing them. Basically, I'm paying homage to past sims:

- The first is an alternate PTO splash the shamelessly steals the image off the back of the first great sim, Aces Over The Pacific.

- The second is for MTO and it's in the style of one of my favorites, Fighter Squadron: The Screamin' Demons Over Europe.

- The third is for Rising Sun and it uses GUI images from CFS2.

Not shown are the ones I'm working up for ETO. They follow the same path as the MTO one. And because I can't stand to see graphics stretched, I've replaced the secondary screen with a simple black background with the CFS3 logo and the name of the expansion only.



  • PTO_splash24b.jpg
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  • MAW_splash24b.jpg
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  • RS_splash24b.jpg
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  • MTO_splash.jpg
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I can get the PTO and MTO ones out relatively quickly, maybe even the Rising Sun ones. Even the ETOs are essentially done, but I'm struggling with the 1943 one as that's really my wheelhouse and I want it to be perfect! I keep changing it! I'll just have to call a halt at some point.
Good work! Just one tiny point: MTO is really MAW, Mediterranean Air War, the name its builders chose for it. Just sayin'...
Good catch! I will make that change. Although I will warn everyone that I've taken some liberties with what I've called the various periods in ETO! 'Yanks Over Germany' in particular always seemed a bit unfair. I've made it 'Bombers Over Germany'.