Any Cure for Rudder Shudder?

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Fleet Canuck

I'm enjoying the freeware IRIS P40 for FS9, but above 240mph I get a yaw problem, shaking back and forth. I tried the fast and easy solution of substituting the air file from a similar aircraft (Mitsubishi Zero, no less!) but I lost the excellent aileron effectiveness, and it still did the rudder shudder yaw up around 300mph. Is there a .cfg file fix for this somewhere? Thanks for whatever help you can give!
I'm enjoying the freeware IRIS P40 for FS9, but above 240mph I get a yaw problem, shaking back and forth. I tried the fast and easy solution of substituting the air file from a similar aircraft (Mitsubishi Zero, no less!) but I lost the excellent aileron effectiveness, and it still did the rudder shudder yaw up around 300mph. Is there a .cfg file fix for this somewhere? Thanks for whatever help you can give!

:kilroy: Fleet Canuck, I'm so sorry but the VOICES made me write this: "SLOW DOWN."

As it looks like the top speed should be something just over 300, you can try increasing the yaw MoI in that section of the aircraft cfg. This edit is a bit crude and typically requires other edit changes to account for it, but you could try increasing in 250 unit increments and see if it helps just enough. Porting another cfg often doesn't work because the authors initial parameters and modelling are almost certainly too different for the model in question.
I'm pretty sure there was a fix for that a looooooong time ago, lol. Possibly in that link that Duckie posted (and which I should have checked before I posted this).:salute:

"Yep, lotsa tweaks there" Doh!!!
Embarrassment and Chagrin!

Well, thanks for the tips on how to correct the rudder shudder. I was able to fix it with the yaw MOI adjustment. Thanks also for not saying, "You should have checked for a thread on this topic before starting a new one!" which I indeed should have done. Next time I'll search before writing.

Thanks again for the advice and the help.