Any fix for that colorless water when looking straight down?


Charter Member
Hi all,

I'm still on P3D v2.5 and am fairly happy with it (happy enough not to pay to upgrade at this point). However, I really don't like the fact that when you look straight down over a body of water, the water loses all color and appears black. This is one area that I think P3D is inferior to FSX, and I'd consider upgrading to V3 if this was fixed. I fly in coastal areas most of the time, so I notice this a lot.

Has this been addressed at all in v3?

PS - I know this problem can be eliminated by turning off tesselation, but then the water looks like something between FS9 and FSX (AKA - terrible).

It's still pretty bad in P3Dv3.3.5, I'm afraid - along with the "popcorn" clouds (ugh!!!).

I found that you could lessen the effect a little (but not entirely get rid of) by using PTA (Prepared Tweak Assistant):

I posted some results of my preset here:

You may need to check if PTA works for P3Dv2.5 (I suspect not).

I ditched P3D2.5 a while back. P3Dv3 is better in may respects, so you may want to upgrade anyway.
