Any good resource for aircraft add-ons?


Charter Member
Is there any good resource for aircrafts? Preferably freeware and military, any suggestions?
I haven’t had time to get into MSFS until now, so I am far behind.
First, a caveat: The vast majority of the aircraft out there for download the moment are portovers from FSX/P3D. The quality can range from pretty good when people know enough to tweak flight models, add parameters for the modern flight model, etc. Others are quirky, problematic ports run through the automatic converter by people without knowledge of how to tweak them to perform realistically in MSFS -- these are the vast majority, alas.

Right now, the number of real freeware MSFS add-on planes can be counted on two hands:

Big Radials' Grumman Goose
- Excellent true rework of the FSX Goose by Ozwookie and Warchild. MSFS native now, great flight model.

In the category of good conversions, Priller did a nice port of the FSX Fokker D.21

And there are some work-in-progress planes on (which is the best place to find MSFS freeware):

Quality native planes there are:
Savage Carbon and Savage Grravel -- tundra updates of the MSFS Savage Cub
Discus 2b Glider
Diamond HK36TC
Miller JM-2
Beast 1 Microjet
Alpha Jet
Airbus H135 (flight model is a hack since MSFS doesn't support helicopters yet, but it's not bad considering)

Be careful, though, there's some real junk up there too. Lazy F/A-18 and F-14 ports, a Waco with no instruments, etc.

Now, if you're willing to buy some payware, there's some great military stuff, including:
MB-339 and T-45C from IndiaFoxtEcho
FlyingIron's Spitfire Mk IX
MilViz's FG-1D Corsair
DC Designs F-15
Carenado Waco YMF5
SWS Fiat G.91
L-19 Bird Dog

Stay away from the payware F/A-18 and MiG-15. They're incomplete adaptations of purchased 3D models and are super-low-quality. The Typhoon that's out there is worlds better than those two, but still feels like an old FSX model graphically and is pretty light on systems and flight model realism.