any news on Champ TriTraveller?


Since the wip thread on the Champion TriTraveller ,I havent heard of any updates as to a release date.Any news on this plane?
Always loved Champs and am looking forword to this one.Thanks
Since the wip thread on the Champion TriTraveller ,I havent heard of any updates as to a release date.Any news on this plane?
Always loved Champs and am looking forword to this one.Thanks

I haven't heard anything, but IIRC, Kevin said he was up-dating a few planes....:kilroy:
Yeah, me too. He said he was going to release the L-16B also, I'm really looking forward to that one...:applause:
LilSki's Aeroncas work fine in FSX with a bit of attention to the prop issue...:ernae: