Any one speak spanish

I couldn't quite tell... for a second there I thought we might have a new Glad... but it don't seem ta be happening...
Hi, while surfing, came across this site, but cant understand spanish, As far as i can understand they have a couple of payware ships for CFS 3 and a gladiator,Are these new models? or are they the groundcrew models.


The Gladiator specifically costs 6 Euros. It seems to me quite the same thing we have in CFS3 ETO, but I maybe wrong. The rest of the site is in English. Tha Cavour Battleship is freeware as well as other cfs2 stuff.
Tengo un abuelo hispánico, mi madre y tíos son por lo menos medios, pero ningunos de nosotros saben realmente la lengua muy bien. Cualquier persona utiliza el " ¿Babelfish"?:jump:
If I'm reading this correctly, give me a break if I'm not, its been a long time since I've spoken Spanish, it says:

I have Hispanic grandparents, my mother and uncles are ok, but none of us know the language very well. Anyone can use Babelfish (translator).
Awhile back I tried repeatedly to buy the battle ship off of that site buy those are dead links. I also tried that email link to speak with the host but never got any response. I think the site has been abandoned. If anyone knows how I can get in touch with the designer to purchase the ships, please let me know.
If I'm reading this correctly, give me a break if I'm not, its been a long time since I've spoken Spanish, it says:

I have Hispanic grandparents, my mother and uncles are ok, but none of us know the language very well. Anyone can use Babelfish (translator).

LoL,...I went back after threading and translated from spanish-to-engish
and theres was a bit of a difference. Original text read,"I have a hispanic
grandfather,my mother and uncles are half,but none of us know the language very well". Amazing how language translation can get fowled up!...

...Kinda suprised were not at war with Mexico. Juarez anyone?
The dev's name is Sylvia Borja, she was fairly active with CFS2 mods. I heard that she was pretty much shutting down her site (but I am not 100% certain).

If you need any translation help please ask, I am fluent in Spanish (my native language).
If you need any translation help please ask, I am fluent in Spanish (my native language).[/quote]

Can you get in touch with her and can you ask her if the CFS3 ships are still for sale?