Any online sqaudrons out there?



I'am new to off so just wondered if there are any online squadrons out there.
Back in the day i was into CFS2 big time and was CO of a japanese fighter sqd.
we had 20-30 other sqd's to do battle with on a regular basis so is there any thing like this for off?
Over 1 year ago, Micro$oft as a cost cutting move, pulled the plug on the CFS3 server. Other than private activity, online ceased to exist in OFF.

Check-out Posts by Sittingduck, and Pilotsden for online activities :kilroy:
Seawolves Virtual Navy

Sign up with SVN, I'm trying to get a squadron going, but so far I'm the only one with OFF.

Here's the web site -- it's under construction, but I understand the sign-up page is functional.


SVN Hispeed VFA-35