Any Repaints Here For Piglet's Helio Courier?


SOH Staff
Have scoured the usual FS websites with very few results, hoping some of the talented repainters here have done some skins for this aircraft.

Cheers! Mike :wiggle:
OleBoy - Repaint kit

Would this be it?

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 General Aviation FS2004 Helio H-295 / U-10B Repaint Kit
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 1,524,182 Date: 11-15-2004 Downloads: 476
[SIZE=-1] FS2004 Helio H-295 / U-10B Repaint Kit. A repaint kit for the Helio Courier Pack. Includes master exterior texture and seperate layers for panel, rivit, details, etc. Will work for both models. By Tim Conrad.[/SIZE]
With the pants that came with it and the paints downloaded , there are14 . Which ones have you found ?
I love this aeroplane and for ages couldn't land the thing - it was a case of bounce.....bounce....bounce....all the time. Then learnt to bring her in almost on the stall and then she three points nicely and stops in about 10 yards.

I have only seen one texture pack for this aeroplane and that is for three USAF schemes. It can be obtained from:

But if there are other schemes out there, I would like to know where I can get them from.

Best wishes,

I did a couple a while back. both SEA cammo schemes. it was along time ago. They are available here at the SOH.

Herb Morse did up a set of new flight dynamics on his site... Makes her a bit more tame but still can take off across the runway. If you want them, PM me and I can send em' out.

After doing a fair amount of searching, only one Helio Courier scheme catches my eye. If anyone happens to know where I can find more photos of this one, I'll do it.

Most schemes I've looked at have no pizazz. :kilroy:
Now that is one sharp paint job, Oleboy! :applause:It looks, however, like a painter's nightmare with all that custom design....:faint:
One of my perennial favorties... I found not using the last notch of flaps tamed the landings for me (albeit with a little less of its full STOL potential), but I think I will look Brian up.

Couriers had a reputation in Laos for being hard to handle, but the fact that they were landing them on postage stamp-sized strips scratched out of the tops of mountains probably didn't help matters.

BTW, OleBoy, that scheme definitely has pizzaz!
After doing a fair amount of searching, only one Helio Courier scheme catches my eye. If anyone happens to know where I can find more photos of this one, I'll do it.

Most schemes I've looked at have no pizazz. :kilroy:

Here's another view of the 'totem pole' design OleBoy.

My Courier's longing for this one :jump:


ahh thats a relatively simple scheme.... easy to redraw by hand then transpose onto the paintkit.... and onto the model
SteveB has 3 here in his download files.
Avsim Search Helio Courier . 3 and a 3 pack .
Flightsim Search Helio Courier 1 N68858 .
Simviation Search Helio Courie 1 Props Page 72 .
SteveB has 3 here in his download files.
Avsim Search Helio Courier . 3 and a 3 pack .
Flightsim Search Helio Courier 1 N68858 .
Simviation Search Helio Courie 1 Props Page 72 .

And there was me only thinking I had done 2 LOL

Steve B , This is way late.
Thank You Very Much for all your paints . Beautiful Work and they don't bog down the computer. They are in mine to stay .
And there was me only thinking I had done 2 LOL


Loving your Vietnam War era USAF paint Steve! Thanks to all of you who replied here - the Helio Courier is such a capable STOL aircraft.

A few pics from Bush flying in NW Montana.

Cheers! Mike :ernae: