Anybody with dual core systems try this?

A no go, I think. Works fine with CFS3 - didn't notice any benefits in my quick test - though I've not had issues that others have had (and no negatives either), but if used with BHAH it doesn't work properly, I think. The launcher needs to start the cfs3.exe which seems to jump BHAH into Quick Combat with an AI pilot. Exiting to officer's mess exits the this utility seems to be a no-go with BHAH.
something for the video card

For the dcore take a look at:

For the Vcad: a Copy from missions4today about videocards

Utility to set PCI Latency and possibly prevent game stutter or improve FPS

This tweak is an important one, and one well worth checking into. Apparently, newer high-end video cards hog PCI latency for no known reason. This makes other components wait for access and causes stutters and thus lower frame rates. If you adjust the latency this might benefit you, users are reporting big improvements. You can download this small utility program that allows you set your PCI latency. Adjust the PCI latency from for example 248 to 64 , and there's a very good chance of stutter free performance.

Download From Guru3D

Copy from missions4today

Utility to set PCI Latency and possibly prevent game stutter or improve FPS

This tweak is an important one, and one well worth checking into. Apparently, newer high-end video cards hog PCI latency for no known reason. This makes other components wait for access and causes stutters and thus lower frame rates. If you adjust the latency this might benefit you, users are reporting big improvements. You can download this small utility program that allows you set your PCI latency. Adjust the PCI latency from for example 248 to 64 , and there's a very good chance of stutter free performance.

Download From Guru3D

That's a very old fix from way back. No harm in trying it, but I'd be suprised if todays mobo's still exhibit that kind of issue.
He Siggi whow a quick reply, intention was that Dcore, but at my search at I was finding this about Vcards and could not resist.