Life Time CM
Found some of the files but would like to know if anyone has been able to put their favorite plane in yet?
Found some of the files but would like to know if anyone has been able to put their favorite plane in yet?
There is some info here: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php/12074
It was supposed to be "Plug and play" for any XML coded legacy FSX aircraft. It is definitely NOT. I'm really looking forward to the A-12 David!
It was supposed to be "Plug and play" for any XML coded legacy FSX aircraft. It is definitely NOT. I'm really looking forward to the A-12 David!
It was supposed to be "Plug and play" for any XML coded legacy FSX aircraft. It is definitely NOT. I'm really looking forward to the A-12 David!
with the help of the official forum and a test program made klasbj (planeconverter), I managed to carry a dozen of planes that I have created or are in the process of creation.
The link of the discussion where you can find "planeconverter" link : https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/fsx-import-showcase/165910/7
Some pictures:
Theses planes fly with a certain fluidity and do not seem to penalize the graphics engine
On the other hand it is necessary to use simple aircraft, without DLLs and no 2D gauges, only 3D gauges are accepted. The P-51 Racer of Microsoft is a good sample to try a convert.
Not so sure about the MSFS 2020 community yet....I ask for a guide or even a clue and all these guys posting pictures of how they put an aircraft into this sim just want to send me to a link...post a guide please.
Me too Pam. I have the converter program, and the SDK, but theres no exe ?Any uploads?? Some of us are a little on the slow and old side you see..
Thank you CrashAZ, I appreciate it! I would be afraid to see how bad they look in this new sim, knowing they weren't ever the greatest to begin with. I personally am not interested in doing flight sim dev work for the time being and much prefer to simply sit back and enjoy the sim and the stock aircraft, which look, sound and feel incredible. If I do bring a Mustang into this sim it will be brand new from the ground up and released independently, starting with a P-51A (as well as my B-25J). I've got a side-gig of sorts now working for Warbird Digest magazine, and I will also be going back to work full time again with my para job at the school district, just over a week from now (for the first time since the beginning of March when COVID hit), so available time will be a limiting factor.
Thank you CrashAZ, I appreciate it! I would be afraid to see how bad they look in this new sim, knowing they weren't ever the greatest to begin with. I personally am not interested in doing flight sim dev work for the time being and much prefer to simply sit back and enjoy the sim and the stock aircraft, which look, sound and feel incredible. If I do bring a Mustang into this sim it will be brand new from the ground up and released independently, starting with a P-51A (as well as my B-25J). I've got a side-gig of sorts now working for Warbird Digest magazine, and I will also be going back to work full time again with my para job at the school district, just over a week from now (for the first time since the beginning of March when COVID hit), so available time will be a limiting factor.