Anyone done this for Rick Pipers Chipmunk? Matt?

alright, how do you guys know what's on my 'to do' list? the Chippie is in for texture updates... which only means 1 thing... we have a spy in my paint shed...

"Baldrick.... the cocker spaniel please!"
If you might possibly be looking for suggestions, how about an Irish Air Corps example? I did suggest it to Rick when he was building the model, but he chose not to go with it.

ok she's underway in my paint shed.... WP964 will be followed by G-ARGG, the latter flying a nice metal/silver dope colour scheme with Irish Air Corps Roundels
ok guys i've noticed an issue, the ailerons & Flaps are mirrored top-bottom. so, do we add them in primer only, as if they were replacements or do we adapt the camouflage to compensate?
I don't know about what others might think, but I think adapting the camo would look better.

G-ARGG in IAC colours would be quite appropriate as the older scheme it wore is already in the package as WD305. Kind of showing some of the history of that airframe! Thanks for that!

Great looking repaints, Matt!

May I impose upon you to ask for another variation? I've been looking for a weathered grey DHC-1 with
a simple N-Number, to simulate a surplus Chipmunk for use in the US; you pick the N-number. :icon_lol:
Your example of G-ARGG is perfect, with the glare shield and all.

It would be greatly appreciated, and would only be for personal use unless you decide to upload it to
the Library.

Thanks in advance!

Alan :wavey:
Is it OK if I call you 'Mad Matt' in future?
How fast you come up with this artwork is incredible! :applause:
Still, take care of your health first!

Regards, Stuart
Great looking repaints, Matt!

May I impose upon you to ask for another variation? I've been looking for a weathered grey DHC-1 with
a simple N-Number, to simulate a surplus Chipmunk for use in the US; you pick the N-number. :icon_lol:
Your example of G-ARGG is perfect, with the glare shield and all.

It would be greatly appreciated, and would only be for personal use unless you decide to upload it to
the Library.

Thanks in advance!

Alan :wavey:

Think N22DH would fit nicely.
Couple of pics on the web.

