anyone else having issues with VR


Flight Sim Junkie
Hi, Anyone having crashes when using VR? My sim keeps crashing as soon as I switch over to it. I disabled Open XR toolkit to see if that helps.

Nope, that didn't help at all still crashing after switching over. I get these three white orbs rotating in the air then crash!

Yes, I've been getting the three orbs and it was playing up a bit, when in the cockpit view the image kept jumping up and down. I uninstalled the Microsoft Mixed Reality Portal and I think it may have fixed it, but I don't want to talk to soon!
I think I found the culprit. I uninstalled the DLSS upgrade that seemed to all the rave and put back the original DLSS file and problem solved. I am so glad I had the foresight to back up the original.

I think I found the culprit. I uninstalled the DLSS upgrade that seemed to all the rave and put back the original DLSS file and problem solved. I am so glad I had the foresight to back up the original.


That's not the cause of my problem because I've never used that upgrade.