Anyone else having trouble with FSMetars


Retired SOH Admin
For the last few days, I have not been able to pull down real time weather using FSMetars. I am using version 1.5.4. It's worked like a charm for me...but now won't work at all. I try all three Metar sources (IVAO, VATSIM and NAOO or whatever it is) and keep getting failed metar download messages. I downloaded the program again from the source page, reinstalled it...and nada.

Last time I had a problem with the weather updates (Rex and FSX's last weeks weather) it was due to a change in my firewall due to a definition update. Time before that it was due to a slow internet connection. Could be one of those reasons.
I'm facing the same problem today with Fsmetar, OBIO.
I tried IVAO, VATSIM and NOOA Server without success...

Same here.

Went to the downloading website and said that they were changing the server, supposedly they should be back on line "at 00:00z", whatever that means...

Let's see what happen...

Saludos :salute: