Anyone heard from Cees Lately

No Dice

Charter Member
Just wondering if everything is ok with Cees, have not seen him arouind the boards in a while.


he appears to be alive and well, but I understand he had to cut back FS activities lately. We had e-mail contact a few feeks ago, though.

Best regards,
Thank you for the update Volker, I had sent an email and heard nothing back, Glad to hear he is well.

Thank You for the Update Tom,
AND thank you for being a Patriot Guard Rider, Sad that your group even needs to exist, BUT is much appreciated by me and others around the USA.

Thank You :salute:

Without mentioning their name (and we try to mention it as little as possible), our main reason for being has become less and less relavent lately. without the radicals, our mission is simply to honor the fallen when the family makes that request. We've also branched out, which you can see more about here: