Anyone interested in real navigator logs


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My father was a lead navigator in WWII, 467th bomb group, in a B24J. I have his navigator logs for 10 missions out of UK in late 1944 and 1945. Missions are over Germany. I also have the original flight maps and flak maps. I thought maybe someone would be interested in turning these into historic missions. Since I will not part with the originals I would make copies if someone is interested.
Hi Freddienet

If You can scan them and send them via e-mail I shall be interested too and I shall send You my e-mail address via private message.

Thanks and have always good flying
Cris "Astore"

You may be interested in visiting this site.

I used their nose art photos and also the Collins Foundation restoration/replica of "Witchcraft" to paint the 467thBG B-24s in the FP2ETO package.

They may very well be interested and appreciative in receiving copies of your father's papers

We shall not forget their duty and sacrafice.

Thank you for your willingness to share your father's documents.

Hi Freddinet,

I'am very much interested in the flakmaps. Actually looking for them for 2 years now. Is it possible for you to scan thema and upload them as pictures here?

I would be very grateful (and I know some missionmakers that would be too)!!!
