Anyone know of a B-18A Bolo?

By our own PutPut no less -

FS2002 - FS2002 Aircraft FS2002/CFS2 Douglas B-18A Bolo
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Name: Size: 720,523 Date: 05-17-2003 Downloads: 1,298
[SIZE=-1] FS2002/CFS2 Douglas B-18A Bolo. This version of the B-18A is painted for the 21st Recon Squadron, Neutrality Patrol, Florida, January 1941. It is an FSDS2 project with full moving parts, opening bomb bay, transparent windows, nav lights (FS2002) and a specular color shine. Chuck Selby's C-47 panel and a .dp file are included. By Paul Clawson.[/SIZE]
Thanks Rohan, will give it a try.

Nice image Terry, I was looking at some pics of the Bolo at McChord Air Museum which got me interested.

Thanks to both of you.
About 8 years ago, my son and I stopped to view the fuselage and other parts of the B-18 at McChord AFB. They were in the open adjacent the engine test stand building at the south end of the airfield. While all the parts were undamaged, time had not been kind to them. Lots of corrosion on the aluminum and the perspex panels were none too clear.

While we were inspecting the parts, a van pulled up and several elderly gentlemen stepped out to view the plane too. It turned out that they had been assigned to a B-18 unit in the Caribbean on anti-sub patrol during WW II and they were there to look at the plane before it entered the restoration process. It was interesting to talk to them and they took special pains to answer my son's questions about the old bomber.

Here it is in 2007, four years later, fully restored on the ramp at McChord AFB. What a difference a few years and who knows how many man hours made in her appearance.
That retractable gun turret would be a neat animated feature on a sim B-18. I think PutPut's version just has a generic turret.
I wish I could get my head wrapped around aircraft modeling....the B-18B, with its graceful rounded nose, would be a plane that I would produce. But as the old nursery rhyme goes: How many planes would a plane modeler model if a modeler could model planes?

I wish I could get my head wrapped around aircraft modeling....the B-18B, with its graceful rounded nose, would be a plane that I would produce.

Couldn't the stock FSX DC-3 be reworked into a Bolo using the source file from the SDK or would that be prohibited in terms of the EULA?


I have downloaded planes that contained bits and pieces from the MS supplied source files such as the Dc-3 and the Jenny. I wish someone would take the MS DC-3 source files for FS9 and remap the plane into a much more paintable form. All that mirrored texturing makes it nearly impossible to do any nice paints on.

Hey Obio,

I had a look at the DC-3 source file and it would probably be easier to start from scratch. Interestingly enough, there is a book about the Douglas B-18 Bolo that was written by William Wolf (ISBN: 0764325816).

I wonder if any members here have the book and could comment on it?
