Found this FH-1 organizing my old CFS3 archives. The file date is from December 2002.
Old Payware maybe?

Old Payware maybe?

don't worry about archiving your stuff,just upload it here and we'll take care of it for you!.
Greg, that may be one I started convertin along time ago.
I think I got the source file from freeflightdesign shop.
Not sure if that's the same one or not tho, been to long an I can't remember if I ever made it that far or not.
Found this FH-1 organizing my old CFS3 archives. The file date is from December 2002.
Old Payware maybe?
Your pushin my ol brain to far now Greg
I remember the FH-1 an the F2R-1, but after that :isadizzy::isadizzy:
I can't remember any reason I couldn't release it, it was a free source file, but I can't remember if I ever finished it. think I gave up on CFS3 bout that time.
The old Fm-2...................no. The newer F4f's I gave to Ed (GZR_Groundhog) for somethin he was workin on. Not sure if he ever converted em or not, or what happened to em after he passed.
They could be converted to the FM purty easy I would think
I ask because I would love to put the newer F4F cockpit into your old FM-2. That is one of my favorite PTO planes but it could use a cockpit upgrade.