Anyone know where....

Matt Wynn

Charter Member
.... 'The Dude' went? just visited the site and tried downloading and got a 404 Error so he's AWOL, was freeware, has he just slipped into the sands of time? or is someone out there gong to be nice and share? :icon_lol: used to enjoy sitting atop things watching the traffic and the world go by....:wiggle:

^The Dude, can't find a download for him anywhere..... anyone else spot a slight similarity to Nigel with him? :icon_lol:
Yep! Xcept for the pants ya bugga. Wouldn't be seen dead...
...and if you want this scenery to be acurate Matt, where's them bull and cows ? (cheeky sod!) (icon:very shiny frying pan:icon)

The only traffic round my place is what I put on FS. My bull, Clyde takes care of the rest! (He makes Spannish bullfights look like Punch and Judy)
I think Nigel shaves his legs though, personal preference type of thing, :d

If you need him PM me, I've got 'im locked away in a dark closet somewhere, gimp stylee. Bring out the Dude. :icon_eek:

I think Nigel shaves his legs though, personal preference type of thing, :d

If you need him PM me, I've got 'im locked away in a dark closet somewhere, gimp stylee. Bring out the Dude. :icon_eek:


Oy! Jamie, behave yourself there, my legs look like arizona cactus! And in any case...didn't know you cared!
Matt, don't believe a word this rascal promises you. He aint got me locked away in a dark closet somewhere, gimp stylee. I'm here buddy! Ees just makin it up as ee goes along.
Okay, I've clicked...when are you going to release this scenery?
don't wear duds my friend, it's a tartan skirt commando stylee all the way. Nothing like the FREEDOM that comes with fresh air.

Better start behaving lads, Obio will start to administer the beatings, ooo, suits you sir.

don't wear duds my friend, it's a tartan skirt commando stylee all the way. Nothing like the FREEDOM that comes with fresh air.


Yeah I know Jamie, here in Greece we've been wearing 'foustanella' for more than 2500 years and we invented the bagpipes 'guida' too! :wavey: thats probably why political freedom as we understand it was also invented here; 'democracy'.

...and thats also why we love you Scots! Braveheart brothers all of you! :salute: