Anyone make it to the South Pole :-)


Flight Sim Junkie
I got to 85 degrees south and things got really weird. Seemed silly to continue so I quit the sim. Makes me wonder how they make scenery for down there. :dizzy:

Aerosofts have a great Antarctica scenery package

Ive heard stories theres a object on the pole

I might have to reinstall it and try and find the so called easter egg
I have... even using the Aerosoft Scenery Jeansy speaks of. As I approached the geographic south pole, the scenery would basically just go sort of round and round in a circle.... and I never could actually "Cross" the South Pole. Was great...vast..... and the scenery was well worth it.
Aerosofts have a great Antarctica scenery package

Ive heard stories theres a object on the pole

I might have to reinstall it and try and find the so called easter egg

Thought it wasn't compatible with v4 but I'll have to check it out again.

I was under the impression that with FSX and subsequent, the world was a proper sphere and that 'going over the top' (or bottom) was possible, something it (MSFS) had never been before as it had until then been more of a cylinder.
I was under the impression that with FSX and subsequent, the world was a proper sphere and that 'going over the top' (or bottom) was possible, something it (MSFS) had never been before as it had until then been more of a cylinder.

Let me know if you make it lol :biggrin-new:

That year we took the South Pole route for the RTW Race... I had the leg out of there... the plane felt like I was stuck in a whirlpool :dizzy:... managed to pull out and complete the wingman flight 12 minutes behind the baton.
The simulated world is an oblate spheroid with the WGS-84 datum, which basically describes the way the sphere is deformed and gives it a coordinate system.

I could imagine that the effects on the poles are due to calculation problems around the absolute origin of the world coordinate system. This is the "ground zero" of the sim, literally. A place that must not be entered, because calculating - most of all divisions - with the number zero would crash the mathematics and the sim world would come to an end. I can imagine that this is the reason why the programmers chose to force any intruder around that no-go zone, like an invisible force field that keeps that dreaded zero away from the sim engine algorithms. :) Sounds like stuff right out of MATRIX, hehe.

nothing really happens, flying under ap is difficult you cant fly at a bearing of 180 as closer to the pole you get the mag var that increases to 180 variation so you end up flying around the pole not directly to it

the scenery all leads to one central one, when you cross over theres a brief stutter while the sim trys and works out where you are, and thats it


it doesnt like being at ground level &

no easter egg in the aerosoft scenery

refer to videos (maybe still uploading so check back later if there is nothing in the link)

a bit of a let down, but i can say now ive crossed the south pole a few times in one day

been there done that but theres no hat.......
Congrats, Matt. A lot closer than I could get, so thanks for the screen shot. I got stuck around 80 degrees but I do not have the Aerosoft scenery either.
