Anyone used this software?


As I struggle to get Framework 2.0 to install (long story) I came across this software ReImage PC repair online. For $70 US they claim they can analyze your PC, then download any needed "fresh" files to repair whatever problems are found. I thought it might just fix what's ailing my machine. Has anybody heard of this or know if it works?

Forgot to add I was directed to this software by MS.
Before I spent $70 on some Miracle Software fix my computer, I would order a nice 3 topping large pizza, some chips and a couple two liters of ice cold Dr. Pepper, put on my most comfy pair of worn out boxer shorts and spend the afternoon formatting and rebuilding my system and reinstalling my software. The end result will be much better, faster and cheaper...and I have a valid excuse for spending the day in my holey shorts.

Before I went all out with Obio's plan (but order the pizza anyway) I'd first try to flush out some of the junk files and unused registry entries in your system with the CCleaner program and a good adware/malware program like Ad-Aware. Both these programs are freeware, and in any event I would avoid spending $70 on the troubleshooting program you mentioned. These often do more harm than good.
I'm leaning away from it too. If I do the R/F deed I'm going to upgrade things at the same time which costs $$ which I don't have now. I've run CCleaner and a few others and MS concluded vaguely that there was a problem upstream of Framework that wouldn't let it install and I would need to R/F. I think I see a future expense in my future.

Isn't there a way to re-install XP independent of existing files and programs? That worked with my kids Acer since it contained a backup of the OS all ready to go. After some note taking I'll drop the OS CD in and see what options come up.